3-10-2017, 14:26
3 303


Proper feeding of aquarium fish is a guarantee for their normal development and health. Usually, fish are fed as much food as they can eat in about 5-10 minutes. On average, fish are fed 1-2 times a day - this is quite enough for most aquarium fish. If you neglect these recommendations, feeding fish can become very harmful to their health, as a result of water contamination by decomposing food residues. Therefore, food residues should be removed to minimize water contamination.

It is most appropriate to keep different fish in the same aquarium that eat the same food. However, the more varied the menu, the more attractive the fish will be.

In case we have to leave our home for some time, it is necessary to choose someone from your relatives or acquaintances who will feed the fish in your absence, or install an automatic feeder in the aquarium, for example, TETRA MY FEEDER.

Nowadays there are many fish feeders on the market. We will briefly try to describe their main types:


- There is a wide variety of flake foods for both fry and adult fish. Flake feeds can also be divided into vegetarian feeds for herbivorous fish and combination feeds for omnivorous fish. flakes with vitamin supplements are also available, which help to enhance the coloration of the fish body. It is advisable to feed fish several types of flake feed. It should be noted that flake food is a good addition to other types of food.

Frozen food

These are usually frozen meat products. They are stored in the freezer. The main advantage of frozen feed is that, unlike live feed, you do not need to go to the store for it regularly.

Dry feeds

These are basically dried larvae of insects, crustaceans and zooplankton. They are available mostly in powder form or as pressed cubes. The main advantage of these feeds is that, despite the small amount of moisture, they are quite calorie-dense and can be conveniently stored for long periods of time.

Live feed

Considered the best food for fish because it is the main food for fish living in the wild. A variety of live food is available in the trade: trumpet fish, moths, daphnia, artemia and others. Before feeding fish live food always check it for the presence of various parasites, which inadvertently can be brought into the aquarium in consequence of which they can provoke an outbreak of various diseases.

Pellets and tablets

They are designed primarily for fish with certain food preferences. Although these products are less diverse in composition, they are in demand, for example, for many catfish species.

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