2-11-2017, 22:01
2 740

Melanotaenia caerulea

Melanotaenia caerulea are found naturally in several areas of the Kikori River in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia. The fish can be found in small tributaries of the river flowing through the rainforest. The Kikori River originates in the mountainous regions of the southwestern part of the country and then flows southward for about 250 km before flowing into the delta of the Gulf of Papua.

The body of melanotaenia caerulea has a shiny iridescent coloration with bluish coloration on the sides. The back of the fish is whitish and the belly has a pinkish cast. In the rear part of the body is a low-contrast lilac stripe in the form of a crescent moon. On the body are grayish longitudinal stripes, separated from each other by the same stripes only pinkish. All the fins of the fish at the roots are bluish, and then pale, becoming almost colorless at the ends. Males are larger than females, their coloration is brighter, and from the dorsal and anal plumage is pointed at the ends. In females, all fins are rounded. In nature, males reach a length of 8 cm, and females 6 cm. In aquarium conditions, the size of the fish is slightly smaller.

Melanotaenia caerulea fish gregarious, so keep fish preferably a group of 5-8 individuals. For this number of fish is enough aquarium volume of 80 liters. The aquarium should be densely planted with aquarium plants, including floating, but at the same time take care of free space for swimming fish. It is possible to keep melanotenia kaerulea in a common aquarium with other types of peaceful fish, but not with fish that have long or voile fins, which melanotenia will certainly bother.

Melanotaenia caerulea

Water parameters: temperature 22-32° C, hardness dH 2-16°, acidity pH 6,2-7,8. The water has high requirements - it must be crystal clear, for which you need to use a highly effective biological water filter. Necessary aeration. It is desirable to create a small current of water in the aquarium, since in nature these fish live on a small current. Water in the aquarium should be changed 2-3 times a week, replacing at a time 1/5 of its fresh. To improve the well-being of fish can add a little table or sea salt (3-5 g / l), but do it carefully, as not all plants may not like it.

It is desirable to use coarse-grained river sand as soil. Large stones and snags should be placed on the bottom. Lighting is preferably bright. It should be noted that the coloration of Melanothenia caerulea very much depends on the level of illumination. The duration of the daylight hours is 10-12 hours a day.

Melanotaenia caerulea eat almost any food: trubichnik and moths, both live and frozen, various dry food. If the fish will not be enough food they begin to eat algae and young leaves of plants.


Melanotaenia caerulea reaches sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 months.

For breeding fish need a spawning aquarium of about 40 liters. Around the perimeter of the aquarium should be planted with small-leaved plants, such as Javanese moss. Water parameters can be the same as in the main aquarium, where the melanotenia live permanently.

Depending on how many fish were planted for spawning, it can be both paired and gregarious. For 7-10 days, the female in small portions swords eggs on the leaves of the plant. In total, during the spawning female hatch up to 50 eggs. If before spawning males and females to be kept for 10-15 days separately, then in this case you can significantly reduce the spawning time.

Melanotaenia caerulea

The eggs are very sticky and easily adhere to plant leaves. After fertilization of eggs by the male, the producers should be immediately removed so that they do not eat their eggs. The eggs are incubated for about 5-7 days. Fry begin to feed on the 4th-5th day of their life. Fry are tiny, so they should be fed the smallest food - infusoria, live dust, and after a couple of weeks - artemia.

Life expectancy Melanotaenia caerulea in aquarium conditions is about 5-6 years.

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