9-11-2017, 15:48
4 323

Amblystegium serpens

Amblystegium serpens is a creeping moss that is naturally distributed throughout the northern hemisphere, but is also found in South America, Australia and New Zealand. The moss prefers nutrient-rich sites, moderately dry, moist, sunny and shaded, on ground along roadsides and in gardens, under trees and shrubs, and on bark and rocks. Although Amplystegium serpens does not grow naturally in water, it can be cultivated submerged in an aquarium where it forms delicate, upright shoots. Among aquarists, this moss is also known as “nano moss” (nano moss). Keep this moss is recommended for aquarists who have some experience growing aquarium plants.

Amblystegium serpens

Amblystegium serpens has very thin stems with sparsely arranged leaves, which can be on the stem either on one side or in two rows. The stem is stiff to the touch. When planted in an aquarium, the plant takes an upright form and grows only upwards. Amblystegium serpens has a unique appearance and it is impossible to confuse it with other species of mosses. The height of the bush in nature can reach up to 20 cm, although in the aquarium its size usually does not exceed 10 cm.

Due to its tendency to grow only upwards, using Amblystegium serpens along its entire length can be attached to various decorations and in time it will release vertical branches that will transform, for example, driftwood or stone beyond recognition, giving them a certain airiness. Moss has a compact size and grows only upward, so you can form it picturesque bushes that will not take up a lot of space and at the same time its appearance to please the eyes of anyone who looks at them.

Amblystegium serpens

In general, Amblystegium serpens is an unpretentious plant. It can be grown in almost any aquarium, whether in a large or very small nano aquarium. Growth rate in bright light is medium. Lighting is recommended bright, with an intensity of 0.8-1.0 W/l. The duration of the daylight hours is about 10 hours a day.

Water parameters: temperature 18-28° C, hardness dH 0-25°, acidity pH 6,0-8,0. Nano moss grows better in soft water and at water temperatures no higher than 24°C. Feeding with liquid fertilizers and CO2 is necessary.

In bright light, nano moss begins to produce oxygen, the bubbles of which densely cover all its leaves, giving the bush even more attractiveness.

Amblystegium serpens is propagated by spores, which it forms in the spring.

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