Poecilia reticulata var.
Poecilia reticulata var. - Blue cobra is without exaggeration one of the most popular aquarium fish. In natural conditions, these fish live in freshwater rivers and lakes located in South America.
Males Poecilia reticulata var. have a dark blue body with a contrasting pattern of black and orange lines. The same pattern decorates the tail and fins of the fish. In general, the coloration of the fish resembles that of the cobra, thanks to which the guppy and got its name. Males are slightly smaller than females. Females have a rounded abdomen and faded coloration. Only the tail plumage of the female has a similar pattern as the male. The size of the fish reaches 6 centimeters.
Poecilia reticulata var. as well as all representatives of guppies, stand out among other fish not only for their beauty, but also for the simplicity of keeping and breeding. These fish are very popular not only among beginners, but also many experienced aquarists.
Poecilia reticulata var. can be kept in an aquarium of 20 liters or more. One pair of fish should be at least 5 liters of water. These fish are very hardy and relatively easy to forgive aquarists many mistakes with the maintenance of the required water parameters. However, this does not mean that in the aquarium with these fish can forget, for example, about water temperature. Guppies are completely harmless fish that can peacefully coexist in the same aquarium with other peaceful fish, similar in temperament.
Aquarium with gPoecilia reticulata var. should be densely planted with aquarium plants. on the surface of the water should be placed several bushes of floating plants. This rule is very important, because among the leaves of plants can hide fry, which immediately after birth, do not mind to eat their parents.
Water parameters: temperature 18-28° C, hardness dH 10-30°, acidity pH 5,5-8,0. It is desirable filtration and aeration of water, as well as its weekly change 1/3 part of fresh.
A variety of live, frozen, and dry foods make up the fish's menu. Guppies also eat algae that appear on the walls of the aquarium, decorations and plants. Feed the fish 2 times a day.
Its sexual maturity Poecilia reticulata var. reaches the age of 4-5 months.
Fish spawn almost all the time with a periodicity of 1-2 times a month. The female broods fully viable fry, which do not need further care and lead an independent life.
Fry are fed 4 times a day infusoria and specialized dry food designed for fry.
Life expectancy Poecilia reticulata var. in aquarium conditions is about 5 years, although in nature live these fish 3-4 years.