Haplochromis venustus

Haplochromis venustus, or golden leopard fish as it is also called, lives in Lake Malawi under natural conditions. Fish can be found at a depth of about 20 meters, in places with a sandy bottom. The fry, on the other hand, tend to stay on shoals in close proximity to rocky shores.
Male haplochromis venustus are golden in color with a lilac sheen on the head. A longitudinal band of yellow-brown color runs from the nose of the fish, at the top of the body. Females and juveniles are light brownish in color, with more contrasting brown spots. The head of the female has a golden coloration. Her fins are yellowish. In aquarium conditions, the size of the fish reaches 25 cm, while in nature the fish grow up to 30 cm in length.
Keep Haplochromis venustus can be in a common aquarium with other cichlids inhabiting Lake Malawi, small harems, each of which consists of 1 male and 3-4 females. For the content of 6-8 individuals requires an aquarium of 400 liters. If the males will often show their aggressive behavior towards each other, it is better to put them in different aquariums, because if this is not done, then for one of them such conflicts can end very badly.
The aquarium should have a lot of space free of decorations, as golden leopards like to spend most of their time in open areas. On the perimeter of the aquarium should be placed large stones stacked on top of each other, so that between them formed a void, like a cave. These fish are predators by nature. Each fish owns its own manner of hunting - some fish hide among the rocks, from where they make a lightning fast rush for passing small fish, others half buried in the sand to become as little noticeable.
Water parameters: temperature 24-28° C, hardness dH 10-25°, acidity pH 7,6-8,8.
As a soil should be used coarse river sand. Given that some fish like to burrow into it, the sand should be poured a layer of at least 5 cm. Fish cause severe damage to aquarium plants nibbling at them all the leaves, in connection with which it is necessary to plant in the aquarium only hard-leaved shrubs of plants, or replace them with artificial.
Haplochromis venustus is an omnivorous fish. In nature, fish feed on small fish. In aquarium conditions, fish are fed frozen and live food: worms, moths, small fish, pelleted dry food. It is also necessary plant additive to feed, which in the daily menu should be at least 40%. It should be noted that fish do not know the measure in food, and their constant overfeeding leads to infertility.
Haplochromis venustus breed in captivity, although it is not easy to achieve their spawning. Their sexual maturity fish reach the age of 10-12 months.
In the aquarium you need to place a few flat stones that will serve as a spawning substrate. Fish spawn in the same aquarium where they live permanently. Before spawning, the male acquires a bright color and begins to arrange the proposed spawning site as which is the surface of a large flat stone or a hole in the sand near it.
The female lays eggs on the substrate and after its fertilization by the male collects all of it to his mouth. The eggs are incubated in the mouth of the female for 3 weeks and all this time the female practically does not eat anything. After this time, the mouth of the female leaves fully formed fry. First time fry swim in a friendly flock under the supervision of their mother and in case of danger immediately swim to her mouth. Fry swim under the protection of their mother for 10 days, after which they should be dropped off in another aquarium.
The fry are fed with artemia and crushed flake food.
Life expectancy of Haplochromis venustus in aquarium conditions is about 10 years.