23-11-2017, 19:53
5 495

Leporinus affinis

Leporinus affinis lives in natural conditions in the delta of the Amazon River, which flows in South America. The fish keeps in places densely covered with aquatic vegetation and clear water. The greatest accumulation of these fish is observed in small forest channels, because of which they are also called forest fish. Adult fish live in the sand holes of fast-flowing streams.

Leporinus affinis

Leporinus affinis is a fairly large, contrastingly colored fish. The body shape of the fish is cylindrical, slightly compressed on the sides. The basic coloration is yellow with a silvery sheen. The body of the fish is decorated with nine broad vertical stripes of black color. Scales on the back has a dark border, resulting in the upper part of the body of the fish as if covered with a fine mesh. At low light levels leporinus affinis acquires a faded brownish coloration with inexpressive creamy spots. The mouth is small with massive lips and small teeth. The fins are well developed, transparent, slightly grayish. The tail plumage is branched. Males have a brighter coloration, slender and slightly smaller in size than females. Females have orange coloration around the throat and rounded abdomen. The maximum size of the fish is 25 centimeters.

Given the rather large size of the leporin, for their maintenance requires a large aquarium of 250 liters or more. The aquarium should be densely planted with aquarium plants, but do not forget about the presence of free space for swimming fish. The soil can be any, preferably dark color. At the bottom you need to place large stones, snags and grottoes. It should be noted that the fish are constantly nibbling outgrowths from decorations and leaves of plants, very often damaging the latter, so plants should be chosen hard-leaved or place in the aquarium their artificial counterparts.

Despite its large size leporina affinis generally harmless fish, characterized by a calm temperament. Most of the time they spend in the middle layer of water, swimming among the leaves of plants. These fish are gregarious, so keep them in a group of at least 4 individuals. It is possible to contain leporinov in a common aquarium with similar in size and temperament of fish.

Leporinus affinis

Water parameters: temperature 23 - 27° C, hardness dH 2-20°, acidity pH 5,8-7,8. Need filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of 1/3 of the aquarium water fresh once a week. In the aquarium it is desirable to create a small water current along one of the walls of the aquarium. Also, the aquarium should be covered with an aquarium cover, which will prevent the fish from jumping out of it.

The fish menu consists mainly of plant food. The fish are happy to nibble the growths from decorations and plant leaves. They do not refuse peas, lettuce leaves and spinach. Eat leporins and trubichnik, moths, various flake foods containing spirulina. Feed the fish should be 2 times a day.


Its sexual maturity leporin affinis reaches the age of 2-3 years.

For breeding fish need a spawning aquarium, densely planted with plants and a large number of stones on the bottom. A pair of producers are placed in it. During the spawning process, the male, chasing the female, strikes her with his body as a result of which she hatch a portion of eggs. The eggs sink to the bottom. After spawning, the producers must be removed, otherwise all the eggs will be eaten. The eggs are incubated for 30-40 hours. The hatched fry are fed with plankton, and after a couple of weeks begin to give artemia.

Life expectancy of leporinus athenis in aquarium conditions is about 15 years.

Leporinus affinis

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