Discosoma is a representative of soft corals. This coral has an attractive appearance, reproduces quickly and is easy to maintain, so it can be recommended even to beginners as their first coral. In natural conditions, Discosoma inhabits the Indo-Pacific, Caribbean, on shoals among coral reefs. The polyp is very undemanding and is suitable for keeping even in a small marine aquarium. Due to the fact that the coral does not require additional food (it feeds on its symbiotic algae), it has become widespread among aquarists, many of whom contain aquariums exclusively with these polyps.
Discosoma has several varieties - there are spotted, pinnate and striped forms, and each of the varieties requires different conditions. There are no other differences between the polyps. Usually with the content of discos in the aquarium is not a problem. If the water parameters are completely satisfied with the corals, they will relatively quickly cover the entire area of the bottom, resulting in the need for their thinning. The most common types of discosom unicolored red and blue coloring. There are also various striped forms of discosomes of different colors, but the most sought after among aquarists, puffy forms that have tentacles. Polyps are capable of traveling short distances. In nature, the diameter of the disk of the coral reaches 9 cm, while in the aquarium it is usually in the range of 5-7 cm.
Discosoma do not make great demands on their content, they only need to provide the required lighting and create a sufficient water current, for example, using a pump for this purpose. It should be noted that the strength of the current plays a big role in the life of these polyps, as only on the current they are fully revealed, showing their beautiful appearance. Water parameters: temperature 22-28 ° C, acidity 8.1-8.4, salinity 1.023-1.025.
Each species of discosome requires a different intensity of light. Polyps very interestingly react to the intensity of light taking different colors, shape and size, which allows aquarists to experimentally select the strength of light, in the rays of which discosomes will look most attractive. Especially beautiful effect can be achieved by using actinicheskim lamps, in the light of which discosomes begin to fluoresce.
Keep these soft corals can be kept in a reef aquarium with non-aggressive fish that do not cause damage to the coral.
Discosoma feeds on its zooxanthic algae, which are produced by photosynthesis and no additional feeding is required.