Apistogramma gephyra
Under natural conditions, Apistogramma gephyra inhabits water bodies of South America, the Amazon and Rio Negro rivers. This fish was first described by Culander in 1980. The fish is very similar to Apistogramma agassizii. The fish was first imported into the European and American markets in 1981, and has been very popular among aquarists ever since.
Apistogramma gephyra is smaller and more delicate, with paler coloration than Apistogramma agassizii. All gephyrs have red edging of dorsal fin. The males of Apistogramma agassizii have a very pronounced paddle-shaped tail, whereas the gephyrs have a more rounded tail with a white subarginal stripe. Females are yellow, with rounded tail, dorsal and anal plumage. Males are larger than females. Males dorsal and anal fins are elongated and pointed at the ends. Tail plumage in females is completely transparent. The maximum size of the male is 7 cm and the female about 4 cm.
Apistogramma gephyra fish medium-aggressive. The aquarium can not contain more than 1 male, because between them there will be constant clashes, as a result of which the dominant male will beat his competitor. Females are also very often feud with each other, but really fatal fights between them do not happen. Keep these fish desirable group of 1 male and 3-4 females, although, if the aquarium is of small size, it is possible to keep them and a couple. Perhaps the content of these fish in a common aquarium with other types of fish, in relation to which gefiras absolutely no signs of aggression.
Water parameters: temperature 20-29° C, hardness 0-12°, pH 5,5-7,2. Fish require crystal clear water and are very sensitive to the level of nitrogen compounds in it. This requires good water filtration, aeration and a weekly change of 1/3 of fresh water.
As the ground can be applied coarse river sand or gravel. At the bottom must be placed large stones, grottos and snags. It should be emphasized that, to reduce intraspecific aggression between females need to ensure that each of them has its own shelter. The perimeter of the aquarium should be planted various stiff-leaved plants. Plants should preferably be planted in small ceramic pots, thereby protecting them from being pulled out of the ground by fish.
The menu consists of different live and frozen foodstuffs (Tubifex, chironomid, Artemia) as well as dry food in the form of flakes and pellets. Feed preferably twice a day.
Apistogramma gephyra reaches sexual maturity at the age of 6-8 months.
For breeding fish need acidic and very soft water. Fish spawn in a shelter or on a flat rock, located in a secluded place. The eggs are incubated for 3-4 days, after which the larvae hatch. The female takes care of the eggs and fry. During this period, she becomes very aggressive and fearlessly drives away from the clutch of the male and other females. There are cases where the male takes part in the care of the fry, but this is quite rare.
The fry are fed micro worms and artemia.
Life expectancy of Apistogramma gephyra in aquarium conditions is about 3-4 years.