One of the latest trends in aquaristics is to minimize the size of aquarium equipment. This is especially true of filtration and lighting, which, when reduced in size, can significantly save space in the aquarium, and sometimes even money.
When it comes to the installation of aquarium equipment, newcomers are often faced with the problem of its choice. Beginning aquarists are advised to start with 80-liter and larger aquarium, rather than with a small 20-40-liter. This is due primarily to the fact that the greater the volume of the aquarium, the easier it is to maintain the biological balance, the aquarium is less susceptible to fluctuations in water temperature and water quality will be within the required limits. Here it is worth noting that, although the rule of selecting as large as possible in terms of volume of the aquarium remains, the size of the equipment for it becomes less and less. This trend does not mean that the equipment is becoming less efficient. In fact, on the contrary: aquarium equipment is becoming more efficient, while taking up less space and having less power consumption than before.
Compact filtration systems
As you already know, aquarium filtration systems come in many shapes and sizes. There are three varieties of aquarium filtration - mechanical, chemical and biological filtration. Mechanical filtration involves filtration of solid waste particles, while chemical filtration removes dissolved waste and toxins. Biological filtration creates a population of beneficial bacteria in the aquarium contributing to the establishment and maintenance of the nitrogen cycle. The best kind of aquarium filter is one that includes all three types of filtration.
Recently, aquarium companies have been developing compact aquarium filters that even owners of large aquariums can use. The compact Finnex PX-360 is designed for aquariums up to 100 liters and includes several types of filter media for high-quality filtration. Built-in filters, such as those made by Lifeguard Aquatics, can be used in aquariums up to 1,200 liters. Built-in filters vary in size, with some reaching up to 18 inches in length, but they are nevertheless very slim and compact, so they don't take up much space horizontally.
Another option for compact filters are inline filters. The Tetra Whipper series line is available in three sizes to fit in aquariums up to 150 liters. These filters are placed directly in the aquarium and take up no space outside the aquarium. They are quiet in operation and have three-stage filtration. Fluval offers similar filters in the U series. These filters are available in four sizes for aquariums up to 250 liters. The Fluval U series filter has adjustable flow, three-stage filtration and an optional aerator.
Compact lighting
Compact fluorescent lights are currently the most common among aquarists. They are relatively durable, energy efficient and take up little space.
LED lighting is one of the most promising trends in aquaristics. LED lighting is one of the most compact and efficient aquarium lighting options available today. This lighting can have different designs and is made in the form of strips, individual dots, etc. A single LED has a power consumption of only 1 watt, yet emits bright light in a wide range of colors. LED lighting can also be used to create night lighting systems for nocturnal aquarium inhabitants or to improve the appearance of fish. LED lights have now become affordable, and they can be so small that they can fit even a small aquarium without any problems.
Progress does not stand still and every new year there are new developments and technologies, and the aquarium industry is no exception. One of the most promising trends in aquaristics is now the development and production of compact equipment for aquariums.