17-01-2018, 20:18
3 189

Chaetodon vagabundus

Chaetodon vagabundus, or as it is also called the cross-banded butterfly and vagabundus, is naturally found from the east coast of Africa and the Red Sea to Tuamotu, reaching as far north as the coast of Japan. The fish can be found along the outer slopes of reefs and lagoons. Often fish stick to the confluence of freshwater rivers, where the water is very turbid. Young fish are kept in flocks, while adults swim in pairs. By choosing a territory fish fiercely defend it. These fish are unpretentious and recommended for keeping beginners aquarists.

Chaetodon vagabundus

Chaetodon vagabundus has an elongated body with long pincer-like jaws. The body is colored white with a pattern consisting of thin lines of dark color. The body in the rear is colored yellow with a dark, almost black, broad transverse stripe. The tail plumage also has a dark vertical stripe closer to the edge. Young fish have a large oval dark spot at the back of their dorsal plumage. The caudal fin has a black edging. The dorsal and anal plumage are black and white edged. The forehead of the fish is decorated with thin yellowish stripes, and from the forehead through the eyes is a broad black band. Sexual differences are absent. In natural conditions, the size of fish reaches 23 cm, whereas in the aquarium it does not exceed 18 cm.

Chaetodon vagabundus has no special requirements for water quality or food and has a strong immunity to disease. Keep the fish can be as singly or in pairs in a common aquarium with other peace-loving fish, which, if necessary, will be able to protect themselves. At 1 individual should have at least 300 liters of water. The aquarium should be placed a large number of large stones, placing them in such a way that they formed something like caves, in which fish could freely swim. It is desirable that the stones were overgrown with algae, which will serve as additional food for criss-crossed butterflies. At the same time, the aquarium should have enough space for the fish to swim freely.

Chaetodon vagabundus

It should be noted that this species Chaetodon vagabundus causes damage to corals, actiniae and other invertebrates, so their content in a reef aquarium is undesirable.

Water parameters: temperature 22-26° C, pH 8,1-8,4. Requires enhanced aeration of water.

Lighting should be bright, lasting at least 10 hours a day.

The fish menu consists of a variety of feeds of animal and plant origin. Fish are given minced meat shrimp, mussels and squid, bloodworms, Tubifex, artemia, as well as dry food in the form of flakes. Periodically, the aquarium should be placed in a living stone - fish with great pleasure will nibble on them with algae. Feed the fish need 2-3 times a day.


In the aquarium, Chaetodon vagabundus does not breed. Fish are supplied to the domestic market from their natural habitat.

Chaetodon vagabundus

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