5-02-2018, 13:18
6 529


Goniopora naturally inhabits the Indo-Pacific, among the coral reefs of the Red Sea and all the way to the Pacific Ocean along the east coast of Africa. Corals prefer to stay among coral reefs, on shoals well lit by the sun. Gonioporas form a large colony in the form of a hemisphere about 60 cm in diameter. These corals are very difficult to keep, so they can only be recommended to professional aquarists.

Goniopora spp

Goniopora spp is a polyp with long legs (up to 10 cm) and a corolla consisting of 24 small tentacles that are arranged around the mouth opening. The coloration of the polyp varies widely and can take on bluish, yellowish, greenish and brownish hues. In a sleeping polyps are retracted into the interior of the colony, but this happens only when feeding, the rest of the time polyps are open. In aquariums Gonioporas form colonies up to 12-15 cm in size.

Goniopora spp

Despite the fact that Gonioporas are found in the trade quite often, however, before you buy them, you should think carefully. Many aquarists decide to buy them because of their outward appearance that draws their attention to themselves for a long time. The epiphany comes later, unfortunately, in a reef aquarium is very difficult to create acceptable conditions for these polyps. However, there is information on the successful maintenance of goniopora in reef aquariums equipped with algae filters. The most favorable conditions for these polyps can be created in aquariums with a constant inflow of fresh seawater, which in home conditions to do almost unrealistic. Despite all the measures taken, keep goniopora in the aquarium for a long time is unlikely to succeed. Gradually the legs of the coral are getting smaller and smaller, and eventually they disappear into the body of the polyp. The coral eventually stops eating and dies.

To content Goniopora need a spacious aquarium, the volume of 200 liters, because the polyp in the disclosed condition significantly increases in size. It should be noted that the tentacles polyp contains stinging cells that can sting neighboring corals, so to avoid this, they need to have at a sufficient distance from Goniopora.

Water parameters: temperature 22 - 26° C, salinity 1.023 - 1.025. The aquarium should have minimal water movement.

Goniopora spp

The coral's menu consists mainly of phytoplankton, symbiotic algae, and organic matter dissolved in the water. Water filters with an activated carbon filter should not be used in aquariums with these polyps, since the filter removes all organics from the water, depriving the coral of additional nutrients.

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