22-02-2018, 15:34
4 611

Hyphessobrycon heliacus

Hyphessobrycon heliacus naturally inhabits the Tapajos River in South America. The fish was first described in 2002. In the domestic market tetras kitty appeared relatively recently, but have already become popular among aquarists. Pisces undemanding and can be recommended to beginners aquarists.

Hyphessobrycon heliacus has a flattened body from the sides, high shape. The eyes are large, iris yellow. Males are larger than females, with elongated fins. The basic coloration of males is bright orange, with red sides and fins. The size of fish 2-3 cm.

Hyphessobrycon heliacus

Hyphessobrycon heliacus peaceful and quiet fish leading gregarious lifestyle. Most of the time the fish spend in the middle and upper layers of water. Can be kept in a common aquarium with other types of peaceable fish. Keep the fish can be a pair, but it is better to keep them in a group of at least 10 specimens. In this case, the males in the process of competing for the attention of females, demonstrate their attractive appearance by fluffing out all their fins. For one pair of fish need 20 liters of water, respectively, when containing 10 fish tank should have a volume of at least 100 liters.

The aquarium should be densely planted with a variety of plants, including floating, and take care of free space for swimming fish. The fish lead a measured life swimming peacefully in the aquarium, often freezing in one place. The greatest activity Hyphessobrycon heliacus exhibit during feeding, when they begin to swim in a dense pack around the perimeter of the aquarium.

Water parameters: temperature 23-27° C, hardness dH 1-13°, pH 6,4-7,0. Requires filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of 1/4 of the aquarium water with fresh. Fish can tolerate short-term fluctuations in water temperature above or below normal.

Hyphessobrycon heliacus

Lighting is desirable bright, because only in bright light reveals all the attractiveness of these fish.

In the aquarium, the fish are fed a variety of flake and pelleted foods, as well as daphnia, artemia and chironomid. Use quality flakes or pellets for the main diet, but also offer them daphnia, bloodworms and brine shrimp.


Hyphessobrycon heliacus reaches sexual maturity by the age of 8 months.

A pair of producers is moved into the spawning aquarium of 15-20 liters, at the bottom of which is placed separator mesh. Spawning is stimulated by raising the water temperature to 27 ° C. Female spawn in the morning hours. The female hatches up to 150 yellowish eggs. The eggs are not sticky and sink to the bottom immediately. It should be noted that the male often does not have time to fertilize all eggs and most of them remain unfertilized.

Immediately after spawning, producers are deposited. The eggs are incubated for 24-36 hours. Hatch fry are very tiny and the first couple of days they eat their yolk sac. At this time, it is advisable not to include lighting in the spawning tank so as not to disturb the fry. On the third day fry begin to swim and eat. At this time they begin to be fed with infusoria and artemia 4 times a day.

Hyphessobrycon heliacus

Life expectancy of Hyphessobrycon heliacus in aquarium conditions is 2-5 years.

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