Algae - what aquarist has not encountered them? Once algae begin to cover the walls of the aquarium, the decoration and the leaves of the plants begin to think about ways to combat them.
Algae require three conditions to thrive - light, carbon dioxide and nutrients. These three elements are always present in a freshwater aquarium, so there is always some algae development in the aquarium. Keeping algae eating fish and snails in the aquarium can help in the fight against algae, but if this does not help, you should clean the aquarium yourself. It is important to be careful not to scratch or accidentally break the aquarium glass when cleaning the walls of the aquarium from algae. These tips will help you safely and effectively clear algae from your aquarium.
Tips for safe aquarium cleaning
If there is a rampant growth of algae in the aquarium, you may be tempted to simply drain all the water from the aquarium, clean it out and refill it with water again. Of course such a cleaning option is possible, but it is drastic and to make such a general cleaning has only in case of any emergency, because after such prevention, you may encounter unexpected consequences. In the case of such cleaning, all the beneficial bacteria living in the substrate are destroyed. Once you clean the aquarium and fill it with water, it will take time for it to establish a biological equilibrium. If you don't wait for this and let the fish into the tank, they may die from ammonia poisoning, and there may be bacterial blooms in the water. To protect yourself from such consequences, never replace more than 30% of the aquarium water volume at once.
When algae begins to accumulate on the walls of the aquarium, this seriously affects its appearance - this not only makes it difficult to observe the aquarium inhabitants, but also makes the aquarium dirty. The easiest way to remove algae from the walls of the aquarium is to use special algae scrapers.
Preventing algae growth
If you keep an eye on your aquarium and keep it prophylactic every week, you should have no problem with excess algae growth in it. However, it is possible that for various reasons algae may nevertheless appear in the aquarium. To prevent excessive growth of algae, do not light the aquarium more than 10-12 hours a day - excessive lighting provokes algae growth. Also, don't give the fish more food than they can eat in a few minutes, because anything they don't eat will simply sink to the bottom, where it creates fertile ground for algae growth.
Useful freshwater creatures
Another option for fighting algae in the aquarium, which does not require any extra effort on your part, is simply adding some algae-eating fish to the aquarium, such as Chinese algae (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri), Siamese algae (Crossocheilus siamensis), Otocinclus affinis (Otocinclus affinis), etc.
Some crustacean species, such as snails and Amano shrimps, can also be effective in controlling algae.
Keep in mind that algae eaters can grow quite large and over time they may not have enough algae in the aquarium and need supplements in the form of plant food.
Finally, it can be said that algae is a companion to almost any aquarium, and while you can't completely prevent them from growing in the aquarium, you can do your best to reduce their numbers when needed.