21-03-2018, 20:30
5 858

Macrobrachium acanthurus

Macrobachium acanthurus has a wide distribution along the coast of the Western Atlantic, from North Carolina to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, including several Caribbean islands. These shrimp can be found in coastal rivers and bays, usually near brackish water. The shrimp are not demanding and can be kept even by beginners.

Macrobrachium acanthurus are large shrimps, with thick, pile-covered claws and thin claws. In contrast to females, males have longer claws and legs. Males measure up to 14 - 18 cm and females up to 11 - 15 cm. Young shrimp are transparent with dark oblique stripes on the body. Adults lose their transparency, their body becomes pale yellow in color with small contrasting red spots.

Macrobrachium acanthurus

Shrimp have a belligerent temperament. Particularly aggressive males, which, by and large, everyone who is around are the enemies. And for them are no exceptions and females. In order to moderate the aggressive ardor of males to keep shrimp in a fairly large aquarium, a volume of 150 liters. In an aquarium with these shrimp is better not to keep other residents, because their lives will be constantly in danger. Keep shrimp should be in the proportion of 1 male and 2 - 3 females.

Water parameters: temperature 22-28 ° C, pH pH 6,5-7,8. Requires filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of at least part of the aquarium water with fresh. It should be noted that macrobachium acanthurus easily adapt to water parameters varying in a wide range.

Macrobrachium acanthurus

At the bottom of the aquarium you need to place various shelters of stones. Live plants are not recommended, because they will certainly be eaten. In this regard, it is better to do their artificial counterparts.

In aquariums shrimp eat almost any food that they find on the bottom.


Breeding shrimp Macrobahium acanthurus in aquarium conditions presents certain difficulties, primarily because the larval phase occurs in brackish water, in fresh water, the larvae quickly die. If, however, it is possible to create suitable conditions for spawning shrimp, then obtain offspring from them quite possible.

Macrobachium acanthurus is characterized by high fecundity, one female can incubate about 20 000 eggs. Under natural conditions, spawning occurs during the rainy season. The hatched larvae swim for a few hours and then descend to the bottom or to the leaves of plants, and remain there until they have their first molt.

During the first larval phase, the larvae do not feed, consuming nutrients from the yolk sac. They then go through a carnivorous phase, feeding on zooplankton. At this time, under aquarium conditions, the larvae can be fed artemia. Later, you can start giving high-protein foods.
After the larvae have grown a little stronger in the wild, they begin to migrate upstream, and usually by the age of 4 months they reach their main habitat. By this time, the shrimp are sexually mature.

Macrobrachium acanthurus

Life expectancy of Macrobrachium acanthurus in aquarium conditions is about 4 - 5 years.

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