29-03-2018, 11:35
4 148

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus occurs naturally in the upper Amazon River in Peru. The fish can be found in shallow waters near large amounts of overhanging riparian vegetation, underwater branches, snags and leaf litter. The water is brownish in these areas due to substances released by decomposing organics. The fish are not difficult to keep and can be recommended for novice aquarists.

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus has a silvery body with a lilac tint. A black longitudinal stripe runs along the entire body from the head to the root of the tail plumage. Dorsal and anal plumage are pointed at the ends. Tail plumage is bifurcate. Males have a more intense coloration, while females are more faded with a rounded belly. The maximum size of the fish is 3-4 cm.

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus is a peaceful fish and will be an ideal neighbour for similarly peaceful fish living in the same aquarium. Keep Neon Peruvian should be a group of at least 8-10 fish in an aquarium volume of 60 liters. In this case, the fish are less timid and exhibit a brighter coloration. Water parameters: temperature 22-27°C, hardness dH 2-10°, pH 5.0-7.0. Requires filtration, aeration and a weekly change of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh. Pisces should not be introduced in an aquarium that has not yet established biological equilibrium.

Coarse-grained river sand is best as a substrate. Snags and large boulders should preferably be placed at the bottom. Adding oak leaf litter, which consists of dried oak leaves, improves the fish's natural habitat and additionally promotes the growth of microbial colonies, which serve as an additional food source for the adult fish and the fry.

The preferred light intensity is approximately 0.3 Watts per liter. The daily light duration is 10-12 hours. Given the relatively poor lighting conditions in the aquarium, only plants that are light-independent should be planted.

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus feeds on a variety of aquatic invertebrates, seeds that have fallen from land plants, etc. in nature. Live and frozen food such as chironomid, daphnia, artemia or dried food in the form of flakes and pellets can be fed in the aquarium. A plant food additive is required.


During spawning, the female fish spawn in the water column and the male fish immediately fertilise the eggs. Producers do not show concern for the eggs and sinking to the bottom of the eggs are presented to themselves and very often after spawning are eaten by the producers. Fish under normal conditions spawn in a common aquarium, but the percentage of surviving fry in this case is extremely low. For the preservation of eggs is desirable to breed Hyphessobrycon peruvianus using spawning aquarium of about 20 liters. at the bottom of the spawning aquarium have a separator mesh. Spawning is stimulated by increasing the water temperature to 27°C and feeding exclusively live food.

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus

Once the female fish have hatched, the producers are removed. The hatched fry are fed with specialized dry food and after 1-1.5 weeks begin to give artemia.

Hyphessobrycon peruvianus has a lifespan of about 2-3 years under aquarium conditions.

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