Keeping calm in an aquarium inhabited by aggressive fish can be a difficult task, but still achievable, at least in part.
When you are approaching the choice of fish for your aquarium, there is a wide range of different species in pet stores. However, do not rush to buy the first fish you like, take a little time to study their character, the requirements for keeping and compatibility between the different species. In many ways to significantly reduce aggression between fish can be by keeping them in a large enough aquarium.
Many aggressive fish should only be kept in species tanks and there should be no extraneous fish in them.
Identifying signs of aggression in fish
If you notice that one of the fish is chasing another fish around the aquarium, this is a clear sign of aggression, but still not all such signs are obvious. In most cases, fights between aquarium fish occur just when you're not watching the aquarium - you just see the results of the battle between the fish by their appearance. External changes such as torn fins, changes in behavior, scratches on the body, and missing scales are all signs of a fight.
It is necessary to find out all the circumstances that led to the manifestation of aggressiveness in fish. The most common reasons for fights between fish are food and territorial preferences. Fighting for territory - perhaps the biggest problem, especially among the larger fish. Usually aggressive aquarium fish occupy part of the territory near some kind of shelter, such as a snag or mainsail - they fiercely guard their territory, attacking any fish that swim too close to it.
In addition to territoriality, aggression is often caused by competition for food. It should be noted that females are usually fairly calm, signs of aggression they exhibit only during the spawning period. On the contrary, males may fight to the death with each other if there is more than one male in the aquarium.
Landscaping techniques to minimize aggression
When it comes to the design of the aquarium, which will contain large fish with an aggressive nature, you need to add a few key elements to it. It is advisable to place large rocks and snags in the aquarium, thereby delimiting certain areas, as well as planting tall plants on the border of these areas. At the same time, despite the fact that living plants can give the aquarium a natural look and oxygenate the water, they are still not always the best choice for a large aquarium which contains aggressive species of fish. Large fish can easily tear plants out of the ground, or even eat them. In any case, you should think carefully before planting live plants in an aquarium. The best option would be to buy artificial plants that can withstand all the "abuse" of fish to themselves.
Ceramic pots, stones, snags and other decorations should be placed so as to create hiding places. Their number in the aquarium should not be less than the number of fish that inhabit it.
Other tips for keeping aggressive fish
In addition to using a large enough aquarium to keep aggressive fish, there are a few other simple things you can do to keep the peace in it. First, avoid using a layer of ground that is too thick - 3-5 cm would be ideal. While this may not seem like enough depth, when it comes time to vacuum the gravel during aquarium maintenance, you'll find that it's much easier to pick up any accumulated debris and trash from such a substrate than from a thicker one. Many aggressive fish are often large and this means that they produce a significant amount of waste.
This waste (along with uneaten food) accumulates at the bottom and begins to decompose, producing toxic ammonia. Weekly water changes are necessary to remove accumulated debris in order to keep the water quality in the aquarium at an appropriate level. Fish will feel good in clean water and their aggressive disposition will be somewhat blunted.