Apistogramma sp. "Putumayo"
Apistogramma sp. "Putumayo" in natural conditions lives in water bodies of South America. The fish can be found in the basins of the Paraguay, Orinoco and Amazon rivers. Among aquarists these fish are called by different names, and therefore there is a lot of confusion, and this is primarily due to the great similarity between the fish of this group. The fish first appeared on the European market in 1997. Apistogramma sp. "Putumayo" is an interesting and relatively rare dwarf cichlid. Fish are undemanding and not difficult to keep.
Apistogramma sp. "Putumayo" has a large variation in coloration, which depends not only on natural conditions where the fish was caught, but also on the conditions of detention in the aquarium. Some fish have opaque coloration, while others are characterized by bright colors. Anal and dorsal plumage of males have an elongated filamentous shape. Pelvic fins translucent pointed. Tail plumage rounded shape. Males are almost 2 times larger than females. The maximum size of fish is 6 cm.
Keep Apistogramma sp. "Putumayo" should be a group consisting of 1 male and 3-4 females. The male fully controls the territory with shelters that are females and furiously driving away with her alien fish. Keep fish should be in an aquarium of 100 liters. At the bottom should be placed a large number of different shelters in the form of grottos, snags and large stones. It is necessary for each fish in the aquarium was its own shelter. The perimeter of the aquarium can be planted a variety of plants.
Water parameters: temperature 23-30° C, hardness dH 1-10°, pH 5,0-7,0. Apistogramma can not tolerate dirty water, so requires strong filtration through a biological water filter, as well as its aeration and a weekly replacement of 1/3 of fresh water. It should be noted that the content of fish in hard water significantly reduces their life expectancy.
In nature, Apistogramma sp. "Putumayo" feeds on detritus, small insects and plankton. In the aquarium, fish are given a variety of live and frozen food, as well as dry food in the form of flakes and pellets. Feed the fish once or twice a day.
Apistogramma sp. "Putumayo" reaches the age of about 4-5 months.
Under acceptable conditions often spawn in a general aquarium, where they live all the time, but to save the number of fry, it is better to put producers in the spawning tank capacity of 50 liters. In the spawning tank should be placed more shelters. The female lays eggs on the inner walls of the shelter. During the spawning process, the female hatches up to 200 eggs. Depending on the water temperature, the eggs incubate for 1.5-3 days (the higher the water temperature, the faster the eggs mature). The female takes full care of the eggs and future fry, so immediately after fertilization by the male, it is desirable to immediately set it aside. Hatch larvae first feed on their yolk sacs, and a week later begin to swim and eat. Starter feed for fry are Artemia nauplii.
Lifespan of Apistogramma sp. "Putumayo" in aquarium conditions is about 5-10 years.