13-06-2018, 15:54
6 663

Pseudotropheus flavus

Pseudotropheus flavus naturally inhabits African Lake Malawi. The fish are found along the rocky shores and reefs of Chinyankwazi Island.

Pseudotropheus flavus has a yellow coloration with black transverse stripes running almost all over the body. The mature males have a rich yellow coloration with barely visible dark stripes. Depending on the emotional state of the fish its coloration varies from rich to pale. There are roe spots on the anal plumage of males, which are hardly noticeable in females. Males are much more colorful than females. Young fish are grayish yellow in color. In all its glory fish appear when they reach the age of six months. The maximum size is 9 cm.

Pseudotropheus flavus

Pseudotropheus flavus are moderately aggressive fish. Keep them in a common aquarium of 150 liters or more with other Lake Malawi fish of comparable size. Males are very aggressive towards each other, and in the case of a small-sized aquarium showed aggression to the females. To avoid this, the aquarium should be sufficiently spacious and 1 male should have at least 3 females. It is also undesirable to contain more than one male in the aquarium. Do not contain these fish together with Pseudotropheus elongatus, Elongate mbuna, because it can occur hybridization.

At the bottom of the aquarium should be placed large stones, placing them in such a way that between them were formed crevices, which will serve as hiding places for the females.

Pseudotropheus flavus

The soil is desirable sandy, poured a layer of at least 3 cm. Pisces indifferent to aquarium plants, they bite off their leaves and pull out of the ground along with the roots, so the aquarium do not need to plant them. If you still want to have plants in the aquarium, you can plant their artificial counterparts.

Water parameters: temperature 24-28° C, hardness dH 10-25°, pH 7,6-8,8. Need quality filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh.

Pseudotropheus flavus feeds on most foods offered to him, but the food of plant origin should be dominant in the menu of fish. They are given flake feeds containing spirulina, blanched lettuce and spinach, etc. Also feed live and frozen food: Artemia, chironomid. Never feed the fish with beef or any other animal meat, as it disturbs their normal digestion. Feed the fish twice a day.


Before the female spawns, the male digs a hole in the sand near a rock. After female spawning and fertilization of eggs by the male, she collects all the eggs to her mouth, where she incubates for 3-4 weeks. During this entire period, the female does not eat anything. In case of any stress, the female spits out all the eggs or, more often, eats them. So try not to disturb the female in the period of her spawn care.

Hatch fry swim under the supervision of their mother and in case of danger swim right into her mouth. The fry are fed with micro worms, artemia and powdered dry food designed for fish fry. When balanced diet fry grow quickly, increasing in size each month by 1 cm.

Life expectancy Pseudotropheus flavus in aquarium conditions is about 8-10 years.

Pseudotropheus flavus

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