Apistogramma Abacaxis

Apistogramma Abacaxis is a very interesting representative of the cichlova family. This fish was first discovered in 1999 in Lago Glemdende near the village of Valendo, in the Amazon basin of Brazil. The fish can be found in areas with a thick layer of fallen leaves, at the bottom of forest rivers and channels. These fish are recommended for experienced aquarists.
Male Apistogramma Abacaxis are easy to identify, as mature fish have dark lips and throats. Their color can range from red to brown or black, but varieties with dark purple lips are especially attractive. The dorsal and anal fins of males are elongated. The pelvic fins are rather large, pointed. Another distinguishing feature, but already a female, is a wide lateral stripe on their body. Males are usually almost twice the size of females. The size of fish in an aquarium environment is 6-7 cm.
Keep fish is recommended a small harem with one male and 3-4 females. Each female in the aquarium occupies a specific area, and the male fully controls all the territories of the females, chasing away all uninvited fish from them. keep fish is recommended in an aquarium of 100 liters.
In general, Apistogramma Abacaxis very spectacular and attractive fish. The brightly colored lips and throat of adult males are unique, and the rest of the body only enhances their unrivaled appearance. Although these fish are quite rare to find in pet stores, they are occasionally available and private breeders and are coveted fish for many cichlid enthusiasts.
Water parameters: temperature 23-28° C, hardness dH 1-10°, acidity pH 4,9-7,0. Need effective filtration and aeration of water, as well as weekly changes of not less than ¼ of its fresh. It should be noted that the life expectancy of fish significantly reduced by keeping them in a harder water.
Coarse-grained river sand or gravel can be used as substrate. At the bottom should be a large number of shelters in the form of stones, caves and snags. The perimeter of the aquarium should be densely planted aquarium plants.
The menu of fish in nature consists of detritus, plankton and insect larvae. In aquariums, fish are fed live and frozen bloodworms, artemia and dry food in the form of flakes and pellets.
Apistogramma Abacaxis reaches its sexual maturity at the age of 4-5 months. During this period, the length of fish is about 4 cm.
The key to successful breeding of these fish is to lower the water acidity Ph below 4.0. At these values of Ph is difficult to maintain stable water parameters.
Producers are placed in the spawning tank of about 50 liters, which should be placed more various shelters. Females spawn in a cave. One female hatches about 150-200 eggs. The eggs are incubated, depending on the water temperature, for 1.5-3 days. Hatch larvae begin to swim and eat after a week, before that eating their yolk sac. The fry are fed artemia.
Life expectancy of Apistogramma Abacaxis under aquarium conditions is about 5-7 years.