Danio Hikari
Danio sp. "Hikari" is naturally found in the Tenasserim River basin in the southern part of Myanmar (Burma). The fish can be found in areas with weak currents, in channels through tropical thickets. At first on the market, these fish appeared in 2002, at first they were considered one of the species of Brachydanio kerri, but later, as a result of DNA analysis, carried out in America, these fish were identified as an independent species. The fish are not demanding and can be recommended for beginner aquarists.
The males of Danio sp. "Hikari" have a yellow-green coloration of the body and fins. Along the body are longitudinal yellow-blue stripes. Females are predominantly blue with less distinct longitudinal stripes. The maximum size of fish is 5.5-6.5 cm.
Danio sp. "Hikari" peaceful fish, which makes them ideal neighbors for other peace-loving fish living in a common aquarium. Since Danio sp. "Hikari" not have special requirements for the chemical composition of water, they can be kept with many popular among aquarists fish, including small carps, as well as tetras, rainbow fish, catfish and loaches.
Keep Danio sp. "Hikari" should be a group of at least 8-10 individuals in an aquarium of 100 liters. Keeping fish in such numbers will make them less fearful and will contribute to their more natural behavior, and males, as a result of competition between themselves for the attention of females will demonstrate a brighter color.
The fish look most impressive with densely planted stiff-leaved plants in an aquarium, with a dark substrate. At the bottom, it is desirable to place large stones and snags. The aquarium should be covered with a lid, because these fish are very nimble and can, jumping out of the water, to squeeze through even small spaces.
Water parameters: temperature 18-26° C, hardness dH 1-12°, acidity pH 6,5-7,5. Requires filtration, aeration and a weekly substitution of 1/3 of the aquarium water fresh. Just in the aquarium you need to create a little water flow, for example, by directing the diversion nozzle water filter along the back wall.
In nature Danio sp. "Hikari feeds on insects and their larvae. In an aquarium, these fish are unassuming to feed and will eat most foods. Dry food of good quality can serve as a basic diet, but at the same time, the fish should be regularly fed live and frozen food: daphnia, artemia, chironomid and others. In this case, the fish will exhibit a brighter coloration.
Like most fish of the carp family, Danio sp. "Hikari" periodically spawns in the aquarium. A small number of fry hatch from preserved eggs without the aquarist's intervention. However, if you want to keep the stock of fry, you need to monitor the process of spawning fish.
In the spawning tank of 30-40 liters is placed at the bottom of the separator mesh, and densely planted with Vesicularia dubyana. The spawning tank is half filled with water at a temperature of 25-26° C. Next, the spawning tank is placed 1-2 pairs of mature fish. Spawning stimulate the addition of a small amount of cold water every few hours, replacing a day up to 50% of the water.
After spawning producers are set aside. The eggs are incubated for 24-36 hours and after 2-3 days the fry begin to swim and eat.
Starter feed for fry are nauplii Artemia and powdered food intended for fish fry.
Life expectancy Danio sp. "Hikari" in aquarium conditions is 3-4 years.