13-09-2018, 14:57
3 589

Aphyocharax nattereri

Aphyocharax nattereri naturally inhabits the water bodies of southern Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. The fish stick to coastal areas of rivers, places in the shade of trees and overgrown with floating plants. These fish are not particularly popular with aquarists and are not often found in the trade. Nevertheless, the fish are easy to keep and can be recommended to novice aquarists.

Aphyocharax nattereri has a golden body coloration. at the root of the tail plumage and on the fin tips there are black and white markings. In contrast to females, males have a reddish tint to the back of the body. The size of fish in an aquarium environment reaches 3-3,5 cm.

Aphyocharax nattereri, Dawn Tetra

Aphyocharax nattereri are fairly calm fish, but can molest low-active fish and those with voile tails. When keeping Natterera afiocharaxes in a common aquarium, South American dwarf cichlids and apistograms would work well as neighbors. Keep afioharaks need a group of at least 6 individuals. An aquarium with a volume of 50 liters is suitable for such a number of fish.

The aquarium should be densely planted with aquarium plants, including floating on the water surface, with open areas for free swimming. At the bottom can be placed snags and large stones.

Water parameters: temperature 22-27° C, hardness dH 1-15°, pH 5,5-7,5. Need filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh. The aquarium should be covered to prevent the fish from jumping out of it.

Aphyocharax nattereri, Dawn Tetra

The substrate can be anything.

Ambient light with an intensity of about 0.3 W / L. Daylight duration of 10-12 hours per day.

The fish are omnivores and eat most dry, frozen and live food. The fish are fed daphnia, artemia, small mosquitoes, dry flakes and pelleted foods. Feed should be given 2 times a day.


For breeding Aphyocharax nattereri requires a small spawning tank, planted with bushes of small-leaved plants, such as Javanese moss. Water should be soft dH 2-5 ° and acidity pH 5,5-6,0.

Before spawning fish strenuously fed a variety of food. When females noticeably rounded abdomen and males acquire a bright color, you need to select from among the largest and transfer them to the spawning aquarium, where they continue to feed intensively.

Spawning takes place in the morning hours. Females chaotically hatch eggs, and males immediately fertilize it. The eggs are deposited on the leaves of plants, but they do not stick to them, and sink to the bottom. Some eggs even float on the water surface.

Once spawning is over, the producers are removed from the spawning tank, as they may eat all of their eggs.

The eggs incubate for 24 hours. Hatch larvae are sedentary for the first couple of days and feed on nutrients contained in their yolk sacs. Gradually the fry become more and more active and begin to swim and feed. The starting food for them are infusoria, and then, as they grow, they begin to be given micro worms and artemia.

The fish are quite prolific and are able to spawn quite often.

Aphyocharax nattereri, Dawn Tetra

The lifespan of Aphyocharax nattereri in aquarium conditions is 2-3 years.

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