18-09-2018, 20:44
4 368

Betta macrostoma

The Betta macrostoma naturally inhabits tropical water bodies flowing in Brunei and Sarawak. The fish stay in pairs in quiet pools. The water in these areas has a slightly brownish coloration due to the increased content of humic acids and other chemicals released by decomposing organics. The substrate consists mainly of gravel of various sizes with an admixture of clay and tree leaves.

Betta macrostoma males are brightly colored, have a wider head and fin shape, and are larger than females. The coloration of males is bright red with a black pattern on the head and plumage. The coloration of females is mostly gray with low-contrast longitudinal stripes. The maximum size of fish is 9-10 cm.

Betta macrostoma

Keep Betta macrostoma preferably in pairs in a species aquarium. Perhaps the content of cocks coarse-mottled in a common aquarium with other small in size peace-loving fish. In order to find a strong pair of fish may require some time to keep a group of fish, so that each of the fish can naturally find a mate. When kept as a group, males and females are constantly in conflict with each other until a dominance hierarchy is formed in the flock. As soon as it will be noticed that a pair of fish are separated from the pack, it immediately need to put in another aquarium.

To contain a pair of fish is suitable aquarium of about 100 liters. To contain a group of fish need an aquarium of 180 liters, because in the smaller aquarium between fish will be a constant conflict.

As a substrate, you can use a mixture of gravel with dried leaves of beech, oak or almond. Such soil will be as close to natural and in addition, when decomposed, it will contribute to the development of microbes, which are good food for fry.

Water parameters: temperature 20-25° C, hardness 0-5°, pH 4,0-6,0. Filtration and aeration should not be too strong. Once a week to replace ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh. The aquarium should be covered with a lid that is not too close to the water, as the fish need free access to the warm moist air that will form above the water surface.

Betta macrostoma

The lighting should be dim. This should be considered when planting plants in the aquarium that will be able to grow in these conditions.

In nature, Betta macrostoma feeds on insects, zooplankton and small invertebrates, as well as shrimp. In aquariums, fish are fed dry food, as well as daphnia, artemia and bloodworms. Large fish are given earthworms. Try not to overfeed the fish, as they are prone to obesity.


If the fish live in a common tank, a spawning tank is necessary for breeding them.

The spawning tank should be tightly covered with a lid (some aquarists cover the spawning tank with foil instead of a lid), as the fry need access to a layer of warm, moist air, without which their labyrinth organ cannot develop normally.

During the pre-spawning period, the male takes care of the female for an extended period of time. During the spawning process, the male swims up to the female and sideswipes the female. At this time, the female hatches a batch of eggs, which the male immediately fertilizes and takes all of them into his mouth. This continues until the female spawns completely.

Once spawning is complete, the male should provide quiet and rest, as far as possible. If the male is subjected to excessive stress at this time, he may swallow all the eggs.

The eggs are incubated for 14-35 days after which the mouth of the male leaves the fully formed fry.

Betta macrostoma

Fry are large enough, about 5 mm in length and immediately after birth can eat micro worms and Artemia nauplii. Feed the fry should be small portions four times a day not allowing overfeeding. To ensure that among the fry did not arise intestinal diseases 1/10th of the water in the aquarium should be changed daily with fresh.

Life expectancy Betta macrostoma in aquarium conditions is about 4-5 years.

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