19-09-2018, 17:43
2 846

Betta akarensis

The Betta akarensis is naturally found in the waters of Borneo Island. The fish are mostly found in clear streams with running water, although they are adaptable fish and can be found in large ponds and roadside ditches densely overgrown with riparian vegetation. The water in such places has a brownish coloration, which is caused by decomposing plant organic matter at the bottom in the form of leaves, branches, and tree snags.

Betta akarensis males are larger than females, their fins are broader and more elongated, and their body is colored dark red. Females have a silvery coloration with longitudinal strips of dark color running from the head to the root of the tail plumage. The maximum size of fish is 7-8 cm.

Keep Betta akarensis desirable in the species aquarium or in a general aquarium with a very peaceful peaceful fish, because many large and energetic fish will be constantly pursue cockerels and not give them peace. In one aquarium preferably contain a pair of fish, although if the aquarium will have a large number of shelters on the bottom, you can keep together and a group of fish, but still a little quarrels between them will occur.

Betta akarensis

To keep the fish is suitable for an aquarium of 80 liters or more. Many aquarists, for the convenience of aquarium maintenance, do not use a substrate. At the bottom you can place snags and tree branches, as well as ceramic pots, put on their sides. At the bottom preferably place a leaf bedding of dried leaves of beech or oak, with the decomposition of which will develop a colony of microbes, which are valuable additional food for fry.

Water parameters: temperature 21 - 27° C, hardness dH 1-12°, pH 5,5-7,5. Because the fish in natural conditions prefer to keep quiet places with standing water, filtration should not be too strong. The aquarium should be tightly covered with a lid from above. Between the lid and the surface of the water in the aquarium should be a gap, so that the fish were able to surfacing on the surface of the water to swallow a portion of warm moist air.

Lighting should be weak, diffuse. This should be considered when planting plants in the aquarium, selecting their species that will be able to grow in such conditions.

In nature Betta akarensis eats insects, invertebrates and small fish. In the aquarium fish are fed on a variety of dry food, as well as daphnia, artemia and chironomid. Small insects such as crickets or drosophila flies are also suitable as food. Try not to overfeed the fish, as they are prone to obesity.


To breed Betta akarensis requires a separate aquarium, if they do not live in one.

Spawning aquarium must have a tight-fitting cover (some aquarists use film instead), which will prevent access of cold air to the water surface of the aquarium, as fry need warm, moist air for normal development of their labyrinth organ.

It is possible to land a group of fish in the spawning tank at once, but keep in mind that one male is capable of producing up to 60 fry. During spawning, the male with his body as if to hug the female body and at this time she hatches a few eggs. Immediately after that, the male fertilizes the eggs and collects them all in his mouth.

Betta akarensis

The eggs incubate in the male's mouth for 10-21 days, after which the fully formed fry leave his mouth. All this time the female is near the male guarding the territory from other fish.

As soon as the fry swim, it is desirable to put the producers away. Fry are fed with micro worms and Artemia nauplii, although it should be noted that the excessive amount of artemia in the overall menu of fry may cause problems with their health. Feed the fry 2-3 times a day in small portions.

Life expectancy Betta akarensis in an aquarium environment is about 4-5 years.

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