24-09-2018, 15:21
3 063

Betta balunga

The Betta balunga naturally inhabits a small tributary of the Balung River 45 miles from Tawau, Sabah Province, Malaysia (Borneo). The maximum depth in such places is only 5-10 cm. The substrate consists of fallen leaves of trees, branches and snags, and the coastal area densely overgrown with aquatic vegetation and mosses. Fish have certain requirements for water parameters, which is why it is recommended to keep them trained aquarists.

The coloration of males Betta balunga gray with light-colored stripes. Males are larger than females, their head is larger and their fins are broad and elongated. In females the coloration is uniform. The size of fish is 4.5-5 cm.

Betta balunga

Keep Betta balunga can be kept singly or in pairs in a species aquarium. Can be kept in a common aquarium with other small in size peace-loving fish. Should not contain cockerels with cocky fish that might pursue them, not giving them peace.

At the bottom of the aquarium should be placed ceramic pots, plastic tubes of suitable diameter, which could safely swim fish. Oak leaves can be used as a substrate. In such a substrate with, in the process of decomposition, begin to develop microbes, which are excellent additional food for fry.

Water parameters: temperature 22-27° C, hardness dH 1-5°, pH 5,0-7,0. Filtration should be moderate. The aquarium should always be covered with a lid to prevent cold air from entering the water surface.

Betta balunga

Lighting should be low, which should be taken into account when planting plants in the aquarium and choose the species that are undemanding for light.

In nature Betta Balunga feeds on zooplankton, small invertebrates and insects. In aquariums, the main food for fish are a variety of dry food. To enhance the color cockerels are fed live and frozen food: daphniya, artemia and bloodworms. Feed the fish should be 2 times a day.


For breeding Betta Balunga requires a separate aquarium, unless the fish already live in one. Spawning aquarium should be top-covered with a lid or cover glass, as fry need warm moist air, without which their labial breathing organ can not develop normally.

During a peculiar spawning dance, the male wriggles his body around the body of the female and at this time, she hatches a few eggs. After fertilizing the eggs, the male collects them all into his mouth and the spawning cycle continues until the female fully spawns. A few days after spawning, it is desirable to set aside the female, otherwise she begins to disturb the male, and he is too susceptible to stress and may swallow all the eggs.

The eggs are incubated in the mouth of the male for 14-21 days, after which his mouth leaves the fully formed fry. Once the fry have hatched, the male can be removed.

Betta balunga

The fry are fed micro worms and artemia 2-3 times a day. Fry are prone to overeating, so the food given should be strictly dosed.

Life expectancy Betta balunga in an aquarium environment is about 3-4 years.

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