Paracheirodon axelrodi Schultz
The red neon lives naturally in the Rio Negro River in Brazil. These fish are mainly found in the shallows. They are usually found in streams and small tributaries with slow-flowing water, surrounded by dense overhanging riparian vegetation. The substrate is usually covered with fallen branches, tree roots and fallen leaves. The water in these areas is acidic and brownish in color due to the presence of substances released during the decomposition of organics. Without exaggeration - it is one of the most popular and beautiful aquarium fish.
Paracheirodon axelrodi Schultz outwardly resembles a common Neon. The body is elongated, the red stripe does not break off, starting from the head and all the way to the tail fin, it covers the entire abdomen. Sexually mature females have a more rounded body and are slightly larger than males. The maximum size of the fish is 5 cm.
Red neon - generally peaceful species, an ideal partner for many biotope aquariums. It is best to combine these fish with non-predatory cichlids of the same size, characids, smaller callichthid or loricarias catfish. These are gregarious fish. In the aquarium, they are best kept in a group of 5 or more specimens. The fish prefer shaded areas of the aquarium.
This species of fish does best in fairly dim lighting. It is important to give the aquarium a natural look with aquatic plants such as Pontederia, Cabomba and floating Ceratopteris spp. As a substrate it is desirable to use sand or fine gravel of dark color. On the bottom you should place snags and large boulders. Also place some pre-dried oak leaves on the bottom, which will further emphasize the feeling of naturalness and become a valuable secondary food source for the fry. In addition, the humic substances released by the decomposing leaves also have a beneficial effect on the water conditions. Around the perimeter of the entire aquarium should be densely planted with aquarium plants.
Water parameters: temperature 23-27 ° C, hardness dH 2-15 °, acidity pH 5,5-6,5. Requires filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of ¼ of the aquarium water fresh.
In the natural environment Neon red feeds on worms, small crustaceans, filamentous algae, fallen in the water plant seeds. In aquarium settings, the fish is fed dry food, but like most fish, it does best when it receives a varied diet that includes live and frozen food such as moths, daphnia and Artemia nauplii. Feed the fish twice a day.
Captive breeding is possible, but difficult.
For breeding red neon need spawning tanks with a water level of 25 cm. Water hardness dH not lower than 3 °, acidity pH = 6.4. Lighting side, incandescent bulbs 100 W, included through an autotransformer or voltage regulator. The filament should be adjusted in the dark to a red glow.
Before spawning fish should be abundantly fed a variety of food. In the spawning tank planted a group of fish in an amount of 10-12 pcs. Planted in the spawning tank in the afternoon, the producers begin to spawn the next day, in the morning. The water temperature at this - 25 ° C. Females sword spawn pinkish-colored eggs in an amount of up to 200 pieces. The larvae are hatched in 25 hours, and six days later the fry begin to swim.
Feed the fry should “live dust”, infusoria, rotifers, nauplii artemia. The process of feeding requires special attention. First, the fry in the dark lie on the bottom and can suffocate in a thick, even thin layer of mud, so you can not turn off the light. Secondly, live food, usually rushing to the light, goes away from the places where the fry accumulate. Lighting should therefore be placed so that it is diffuse and falls from above.
Water from the first days of feeding the young should be replaced with settled water, with a hardness dH to 6°.