5-11-2018, 16:45
2 964

Betta enisae

The Betta enisae lives under natural conditions in bodies of water located in the western part of Kalimantan, Indonesia. The fish can be found in marshes and forest channels that flow in the shade of trees. The water in these areas is brownish in colour due to organic matter decomposing on the bottom, and the bottom consists of a thick layer of fallen tree leaves, branches and snags. Due to their special requirements regarding water parameters, these fish are not recommended for novice aquarists.

Male Betta enisae are larger than females, with a larger head and elongated fins. Male coloration is yellow-orange with a darker edge around the tail plumage and anal fin. Females are grayish with darker longitudinal stripes on the body. The size of fish reaches 5-6 cm.

Keep Betta enisae preferably in a species aquarium, the volume of 50 liters, a pair or a small group consisting of 1 male and several females. When keeping cockerels in the general aquarium, roommates to them to choose peaceful tranquil fish. It should be noted that the betta is energetic in general fish are very quiet and does not shine with interesting behavior. Significantly attracted to the interest of males, if they are kept in the same aquarium. In this case, as a result of primacy with each other, they will show the most vivid coloration and more active behavior. Do not expect violent clashes between males, all misunderstandings between them end quite peacefully and the weaker specimens simply swim away from the scene of conflict.

Betta enisae

Snags and large stones should be placed at the bottom of the aquarium. Pre-dried beech or oak leaves may be used as substrate, but not necessarily as a leaf mat. This makes the keeping conditions for the fish as close to natural as possible. Furthermore, microbe colonies, which provide good supplemental food for the fry, develop in the process.

Water parameters: temperature 21-24° C, hardness dH 1-5°, acidity pH 5,5-7,0. Filtration should not be too strong. The aquarium must be equipped with a lid, as the fish need warm, moist air to breathe, which will be formed above the surface of the water.

Like other cockerel species, these fish are content with dim light. This should be considered when placing plants in the aquarium, selecting ones that can grow in the given conditions.

The diet of Betta enisae in nature consists of small invertebrates and insects. Under aquarium conditions the fish are fed with various dried feeds, but also given live and frozen daphnia, artemia and chironomid moths. Make sure not to overfeed, as the fish are prone to obesity.


Separate tanks are required for breeding the Betta enisae ones if the fish do not already live in one.

During spawning, the male wraps his body around the female and she hatch a batch of eggs at this time. The male immediately fertilizes the eggs and collects them all into his mouth. This continues until the female spawns completely.

The eggs incubate in the male's mouth for 9-12 days, after which the fully developed fry, capable of leading an independent life, leave him. At this point, the producers can be removed from the aquarium with the fry, although you can leave with them, as they do not touch their young and according to the observation of aquarists, fry in the aquarium with their parents grow faster.

Betta enisae

The fry are fed with micro worms and artemia. The fry should not be fed Artemia alone all the time as this will cause them health problems. The fry should be fed 2-3 times a day. To improve immunity in fry make daily replacement of 1/10th of the aquarium water with fresh.

The life expectancy of a Betta enisae in an aquarium is about 3 years.

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