18-02-2019, 20:40
2 792

Xenotilapia papilio Kanoni

Xenotilapia papilio Kanoni can be found in the wild in only one location, the relatively small coastal area of the Kanoni Peninsula, for which this attractive fish gets its name. The fish stay in small groups in coastal areas among rocks with sandy substrate. The majority of fish are found at a depth of about 3 m, although they can be found at a much deeper depth (the maximum depth at which these fish were found - 40 m). adults mainly swim in pairs, while juveniles prefer to stick to small flocks. Keep these fish under aquarists with some experience of keeping cichlids.

Xenotilapia papilio "Kanoni" has yellowish fins. Anal and dorsal fins with black trim. The eyes are located high on the head, which allows good navigation near the bottom, time to detect a potential threat from predators. Sexual differences are not expressed. Maximum size of 17 cm.

Xenotilapia papilio "Kanoni"

Xenotilapia papilio "Kanoni" are cautious and extremely timid fish. Watching them should not make sudden movements, as it is not uncommon, when during a scare fish jump in different directions, hitting various objects as a result of which are strongly injured. This behaviour of the fish imposes certain requirements on their transportation. When catching Papilio Canoni xenotillapias from the aquarium, try to minimize the contents of the fish in the net. If the fish get injured while being caught, it can be prevented by keeping them in a fungicide bath for a while. This behaviour can be explained by the conditions in which these fish live. The fish live in open areas on the bottom and must remain vigilant at all times in order not to fall prey to predators. At the slightest danger, all fish leave the danger spot at lightning speed.

Keep Xenotillapii Papilio Kanoni preferably in a large aquarium of 200 liters and a height of 40 cm. Keep a group of fish consisting of 8-10 specimens. Can contain other fish, such as Tanganyika cichlids.

Water parameters: temperature 24-26° C, hardness dH 4-15°, pH 7,5-8,0. Requires filtration, aeration and a weekly change of 1/5 of the aquarium water with fresh. The aquarium should create a small stream of water by directing the withdrawal nozzle water filter along the back wall of the aquarium.

Coarse- to medium-sized, dark-coloured sand should be used as substrate. Use large stones to divide the aquarium into zones. Make sure the aquarium should be free of decoration sand areas. The perimeter of the aquarium can be planted with a variety of plants. Plants are not harmed by fish.

Xenotilapia papilio "Kanoni"

In the wild, Xenotilapia papilio "Kanoni" feeds on crustaceans by sifting sand through their gills. In an aquarium, the fish are fed with artemia, chopped shrimp meat, filamentous algae and sinking dry food containing spirulina. Fish food is taken only from the bottom. Feed the fish twice a day.


Xenotillapii Papilio Kanoni become sexually mature at the age of 10-11 months. Fish in the pre-spawning period are very aggressive, and in some cases the aquarium must be literally evacuate all fish, otherwise they will be targeted.

The fish spawn on the sand. The eggs are initially incubated in the mouth of the female (6-10 days), and then the male takes the clutch to his mouth and completes the nurturing. Approximately on day 14-16 the fry leave their father's mouth for the first time. For the first few days of life, the fry are under the constant supervision of their parents and, in case of danger, swim immediately into the mouth of the female. The producers take care of the fry for about two weeks, after which it is advisable to transfer the fry to another aquarium.

The fry are fed with artemia 4 times a day. The fry are very fast growing.

Xenotilapia papilio "Kanoni"

Xenotilapia papilio "Kanoni" has a lifespan of about 5-8 years.

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