28-02-2019, 21:16
3 066

Apistogramma atahualpa

Apistogramma atahualpa is an attractive representative of the dwarf cichlids found in Peruvian waters. These fish were first described in 1997 by Dr. Uwe Romer. The fish can be found in small rivers flowing in forested areas. The substrate in these areas is sandy, with a large layer of fallen leaves and branches. The fish prefer to stay near large echinodorus bushes.

The body colour of the males is orange-brown. The belly is yellow. The upper part of the back has a bluish stripe. There is an oblique stripe across the eyes. The anal and pelvic fins are bluish, and the dorsal plumage has yellow edging and a blue stripe. Male Apistogramma atahualpa has long first rays of dorsal plumage. Their tail plumage is lyre-shaped, while that of females is rounded. The tips of the anal and dorsal fins of males are oblique, while those of females are rounded. The tail plumage has dark spots. During the spawning period, females are bright yellow in colour with distinct dark spots. Males reach a size of 9 cm and females 5 cm. It should be noted that males become brightly coloured and develop extended fins as they age. As they mature, up to about 2 years of age, the colouration of the males becomes more and more striking and they become really impressive.

Apistogramma atahualpa

Atahualpa apistogramma is one of the most aggressive apistogramma species. These fish show no signs of aggression towards other fish species, but are very belligerent towards other apistogramma species and dwarf cichlids. It is possible to reduce the aggression of the Atahualpa apistogramma by keeping it in large groups.

The tank should have a volume of 120 liters and be densely planted. Ceramic pots, stones, snags and coconut shells should be placed at the bottom. Each female fish needs her own shelter.

Water parameters: temperature 23-32° C, hardness dH 1-14°, pH 3,5-7,0. Need aeration, filtration and weekly replacement of 1/5 of the aquarium water with fresh.

Apistogramma atahualpa

The diet of the fish consists of a variety of live, frozen and dry food, but live food (Tubifeed and chironomid) is the main food. Feed the fish 1-2 times a day.



Apistogramma atahualpa reaches sexual maturity at the age of 6-8 months.

Preferably breed fish in a specially designated spawning aquarium, with peat water, the volume of 100 liters and a length of at least 90 cm. Place 1 male and 2-3 females in the spawning tank.

Spawning is generally typical of that of other apistogramma, such as Apistogramma arua. The female lays eggs on the ceiling of the cave. Immediately after the female spawns, the male should be removed, as the female becomes excessively aggressive at this time and may beat the male to death.

The eggs incubate for 2-4 days and after another 4-5 days the fry begin to swim in search of food. at this time they are given live dust and a little later artemia.

Apistogramma atahualpa

The female nurses her young for a long period, sometimes 2 months.

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