5-03-2019, 20:07
3 555

Betta simplex

The Betta simplex inhabits only one habitat in nature, the water bodies located in Krabi province, Thailand. The habitats of these fish are located in a karst area and contain neutral or alkaline water (pH 7.0-7.4). This area is a succession of deep calcareous sinkholes that form pools on the surface, as well as ditches that connect these pools, equalising the water level in them. The water is very clear and has a pronounced blue-green colouration, due to the high concentration of calcium carbonate in it.

The males of Betta simplex are red-brown in colour, while the females are brownish in colour. The males are larger than the females, their head is wider with shimmering scales and their fins are elongated. Tail and anal plumage with blue edging. The size of the fish is 4.5-6 cm.

Betta simplex

A fish pair or small groups require an aquarium with a capacity of 80 liters. It is not advisable to keep these fish in a shared tank with other fish. Single or pair housing in a species aquarium is most suitable.

The aquarium should be densely planted. The entire water surface should be covered with floating plant shrubs, e.g. Salvinia natans, tropical lilies and Riccia fluitans. Snags can be placed on the bottom and Fontinalis antipyretica can be attached to them. Small ceramic pots and plastic pipe cuttings can also serve as hiding places for the betta simplex.

Placement at the bottom of leaf litter consisting of pre-dried oak or beech leaves, will contribute to the development of colonies of microorganisms in them, which are a valuable source of food for the fry.

Water parameters: temperature 20-28° C, hardness dH 2-12°, pH 7.0-8.0. As fish live in naturally calm waters, a strong current flow should be avoided. Keep the tank tightly covered and do not fill it to the top, as the fish use atmospheric air to breathe by floating to the water surface.

Betta simplex

Under natural conditions, the betta simplex feeds on aquatic and terrestrial insects. In the aquarium, it is fed dry food as well as frozen and live daphnia, artemia and bloodworms. The fish are prone to obesity, so do not overfeed.


Fish should be bred in a separate tank if they are not already there. The aquarium should have a tight-fitting cover, and some aquarists use plastic film as a cover. This is to keep the air above the water surface warm. This is very important for the fry for proper development of their labyrinthine respiratory organ.

After prolonged courtship and the male's peculiar embrace around the female, the female hatches a batch of eggs, which first fall on the male's anal fin and then the female takes it all to her mouth. This process is repeated until the female has fully spawned. If the fish are startled during the spawning process, they may swallow or spit out the eggs.

The incubation period is 9-16 days, after which the fully formed fry leave their parent's mouth. Producers do not touch their offspring, and fry develop much faster when in the same aquarium with them.

Betta simplex

The fry are large enough to eat artemia from the first days of life.

The life span of the Betta simplex in an aquarium is about 3-5 years.

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