17-04-2019, 21:13
3 302

Geophagus brokopondo

Geophagus brokopondo lives in the Brocopondo Reservoir, a large artificial lake in northwestern Suriname. The fish stay along the shoreline in the sandbanks. The habitat of these fish is very variable and depends on the time of year. During the rainy season the water level in the reservoir rises considerably and its chemical parameters also change. Although these fish are quite easy to keep, they are rarely available commercially.

Geophagus brokopondo has a large head and large body. The body colour is golden with shiny reddish stripes that appear in the reflected light. All fins are red with a slight bluish mottling. Sex differences are absent. The sex of the fish can only be determined during the spawning period, when the ovipositor becomes clearly visible in the female. Young fish are grey in colour. The maximum size of the fish is 12.5 cm.

Geophagus brokopondo

Geophagus brokopondo is a peaceful and quiet fish. Keep them in a group of at least 6-8 specimens in a species or community aquarium with other peace-loving fish of comparable size.

The most important decoration element in the aquarium is the sand substrate. Fish feed by sifting sand through the gills, so coarser substrates such as pebbles or gravel can not be used, because they can damage the gill filaments, and even get stuck in them. Snags, large stones and tree branches can be placed on the bottom.

Water quality is of prime importance for these cichlids. Therefore do not introduce them into an aquarium in which biological equilibrium has not yet been established. The best way to ensure stable water parameters is to use highly efficient filtration using an external canister filter, increased aeration and a weekly change of ½ aquarium water with fresh water. Water parameters: temperature 25-33° C, hardness dH 1-10°, pH 5.0-7.0.

Geophagus brokopondo

In nature, the fish menu consists of small aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, plant seeds, detritus and various sediments on the bottom. In an aquarium, the fish are fed with daphnia, artemia, chironomid midges, etc. The fish can be accustomed to dry pelleted and flaked food. Feed small portions 3-4 times a day.


Geophagus brokopondo do not breed under aquarium conditions. We have no confirmed case of successful breeding of these fish in aquariums.

Life expectancy of Geophagus brokopondos is about 10-12 years.

Geophagus brokopondo

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