20-06-2019, 21:29
3 256

Geophagus neambi

Geophagus neambi or Geofagus Tocantins, naturally inhabits the Tocantins River basin in Brazil. These fish are often found in trade. They are not difficult to keep, get along well with other fish and can be recommended to beginner aquarists.

Geophagus neambi has a yellow-orange body with blue longitudinal stripes. The tail plumage and fins are reddish with turquoise spots. In the middle part of the body is a large dark spot. Sex differences are absent, unmistakably identify the sex of the fish can only be during spawning. The maximum size of fish reaches 17-20 cm.

Geophagus neambi

Geophagus neambi can be kept in a common tank with many peace-loving non-territorial fish species that live under similar conditions. The minimum number of Geofagus Nebbies in an aquarium is 5-8. Over time, a hierarchy is established among the fish, which will be the dominant individual. Keeping the fish in smaller numbers may result in weaker fish being harassed by the dominant fish.

Water quality is of prime importance, as these cichlids are very sensitive to water quality deterioration and changes in chemical parameters. For this reason, never introduce these fish into an aquarium in which biological equilibrium has not yet been established. Strong water filtration using an external canister-type filter is essential for achieving stable water parameters. Requires a weekly change of at least ½ of the aquarium water with fresh water. Water parameters: temperature 24-32° C, hardness dH 1-10°, pH 5,5-7,5.

Only sand may be used as substrate, as the fish feed by sifting the substrate through their gills. Coarser substrates such as gravel and pebbles can damage the gill filaments of the fish.

Additional decoration in the aquarium is a matter of personal taste. Several large snags and tree branches can be placed at the bottom. Also, several large flat stones may be placed to provide a potential spawning area for the fish.

Geophagus neambi

The fish's menu in nature consists of small aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, plant seeds, organic detritus and sediment.

Geophagus neambi cannot eat large food, so they can be fed live and frozen Daphnia, Artemia, chironomid moths, etc. under aquarium conditions. Feed preferably in small portions 3-4 times a day.


Geophagus neambi reach sexual maturity at one year of age. Geophagus Neamby spawns without problems in the aquarium. There are no requirements for stimulating spawning. A varied diet and strict water quality control are important for successful spawning.

To successfully form fish pairs, it is best to initially purchase a group of young fish, which will allow the pairs to form naturally.

The spawning substrate is usually the surface of a large flat rock. Where the female hatches several rows of eggs. Spawning is batchwise; after each ejected batch of eggs the male fertilizes it at once, and the process repeats in a few hours. In total, the female hatches up to 200 eggs during the spawning season.

Geophagus neambi

A clutch and fry are usually cared for by both parents - the female is at the clutch, and the male guards the nearby territory. At the slightest danger, they swim into their mother's mouth. The female's pelvic fins move rapidly to signal danger. At two weeks of age, the fry are able to live an independent life.

The fry are fed with artemia, micro worms and dry food at least 4 times per day.

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