18-07-2019, 22:27
3 522

Apistogramma bitaeniata

The Apistogramma bitaeniata is naturally distributed over a fairly wide area. The fish can be found in Amazonian tributaries in Peru, Colombia and Brazil. The fish stay in slow currents, in pools and streams with a thick layer of fallen tree leaves at the bottom.

A kind of business card of Apistogramma bitaeniata is a pair of dark longitudinal stripes on the body. The body of males is mostly silvery. The fins are large, bluish in colour. The dorsal plumage is yellowish, elongated and extends from the head to the root of the tail plumage. The coloration of females is yellowish, the abdominal plumage is dark. It should be noted that the coloration of the fish varies depending on the habitat of the fish. Males are larger, more colourful and have more elongated fins than females. Males reach up to 7.5 cm in size, while females do not reach more than 5.5 cm.

Apistogramma bitaeniata

The Apistogramma bitaeniata is a moderately aggressive fish. Particularly aggressive to each other males, and therefore in one aquarium should not contain more than one male. The most acceptable option would be to keep 1 male and 2-3 females. During the spawning period, the male becomes extremely aggressive and his behavior is unpredictable, so immediately after spawning it should be removed. Females can be left in the aquarium together, they behave peacefully. Fish may be kept with other peace-loving commensurate or larger fish, excluding other apistogramma species, the content of which is contraindicated. Keeping apistogramma imported from natural water bodies together with other fish in the aquarium is also undesirable.

Keep a group of 4-5 fish in an aquarium of 100 liters. River sand can be used as a substrate. At the bottom should be placed snags and branches of trees so that they form numerous caves and shady spots, where fish will spend most of their time. You can also place ceramic pots on their sides and plastic tubes of suitable diameter in the corners of the aquarium for the fish to swim in.

Adding dried leaves from beech, oak or almond wood at the bottom will further enhance the natural environment to which the fish are accustomed. Furthermore, the bacterial colony multiplies in such a substrate, which provides a good additional food source for the fish. Leaf litter must be changed every 2-3 weeks.

Apistogramma bitaeniata

Water parameters: temperature 22-29° C, hardness dH 0-5°, acidity pH 4.5-7.0. Requires not too strong filtration, aeration and a weekly change of no more than 1/8 of the aquarium water with fresh.

Low light intensity of approximately 0.2 W/l is recommended. This should be considered when introducing plants into the aquarium. Plants such as Microsorum "Windelov", Cryptocoryne flaccidifolia and various Anubias species grow well under these conditions. Floating plants may be placed on the water surface as natural light filters.

Live and frozen food such as daphnia and bloodworms as well as flake and pelleted food is available for the apistogramma bilobata.


Apistogramma bitaeniata usually spawn without problems in aquarium conditions. The only problem with which aquarists may encounter is the aggressive behavior of the male, and to protect females from his excessive attention, immediately after spawning females must be temporarily removed, otherwise the females may be seriously injured.

The female lays her eggs in a cave and subsequently protects the clutch and the hatched fry. The female continues to take care of the fry until they become fully fledged.

Apistogramma bitaeniata

The Apistogramma bitaeniata has a lifespan of about 3 years under aquarium conditions.

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