11-09-2019, 16:52
4 125

Etroplus canarensis

Etroplus canarensis is named after the area where it was discovered - South Canara in the state of Karnataka, India. These fish are found exclusively in oxygen-rich water. The habitat is subject to seasonal changes and during the rainy season, the depth and turbidity of the water bodies where the fish live increases significantly. The fish are widely available on the market, thanks to Asian fish farms. They are easy to keep and unpretentious, and even novice aquarists will be able to keep them.

Under natural conditions, Etroplus canarensis lives in the neighbourhood of Puntius mahecola, Danio aequipinnatus, Indian glassfish, etc. Etroplus canarensis has a flattened, disc-shaped or oval body, grey-brown in colour. Throughout the body there are rows of transverse dark thin stripes. Adult males are usually slightly larger than females. The maximum size of the fish is 11 cm.

Etroplus canarensis

Etroplus canariensis are peaceful, calm fish. It is advisable to keep them in a group of at least 10 specimens. If the fish will be fewer, the dominant individuals will constantly harass weaker fish, not giving them peace, which may end in some of them very sadly. May be kept in a common tank with other peace-loving fish.

The fish can be kept in a 250-litre aquarium. Substrate preferably sand with a mixture of small gravel. At the bottom should be placed large stones, snags. As plants it is desirable to apply artificial counterparts.

Water parameters: temperature 22-32° C, hardness dH 1-10°, pH pH 6,0-7,5. Pisces absolutely do not tolerate the accumulation of organic waste and require crystal clear water, which requires the use of highly productive water filters and make a weekly replacement of ½ of the aquarium water with fresh. It is also necessary to increase aeration and create a slight current flow, e.g. by means of a diverter tube in the water filter along the long aquarium wall.

Etroplus canarensis

Lighting intensity of approximately 0.2 Watts/litre. Light duration: 10-11 hours per day.

Etroplus canariensis feeds on small insects and filamentous algae in the wild. In an aquarium, the fish are fed live and frozen artemia and bloodworms. They also eat a variety of dry food containing spirulina. Preferably, vegetable food in the form of chopped salad leaves or spinach, and green peas. Feed the fish twice a day.


Etroplus canarensis reaches sexual maturity at about 2 years of age.

In the wild, they reproduce between December and January, when the water temperature decreases and the water level drops. Simulating these conditions in the aquarium stimulates the fish to reproduce. Such conditions can be achieved by keeping the fish at a stable water temperature closer to the upper range and then lowering it to 22° C for a few days.

Spawning is preceded by mating. The transverse stripes on the body of the fish change to a solid dark spot, with vertical stripes appearing at the front of the head. The pair of fish selects a suitable spawning spot, which is usually the top of a large rock.

Both parents take care of the clutch, although the male may simultaneously have an "affair" with another female, if available in the aquarium.

The eggs are incubated for 4 days after which the larvae hatch out, and after another 2-3 days the fry begin to swim freely and eat.

Etroplus canarensis

Most aquarists prefer to remove the clutch before the larvae hatch, because very often the eggs are eaten by the parents themselves, with the most acceptable option is to move the stone with the eggs in a separate aquarium. In this case, you must place near the laying air nozzles and strongly aerate the water, thereby preventing souring of eggs.

When the fry begin to swim freely, they are already large enough and can immediately feed on Artemia nauplii.

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