Hyphessobrycon metae

The Hyphessobrycon metae, often called the meta tetra, lives naturally in the Meta River, which is a large tributary of the Orinoco River flowing in South America. The fish can be found in coastal areas heavily overgrown with aquatic vegetation, in calm pools and in small streams, with clear water and sandy ground covered with a dense layer of fallen leaves. They are small and fairly attractive fish, which even novice aquarists can cope with.
Hyphessobrycon metae has a dark coloured body and a light coloured belly. In the reflected light, the entire body of fish shimmers silvery-purple colour. Sexual differences are not pronounced. Usually the females are slightly larger than the males. The size of the fish is 3.5-4 cm.
The Hyphessobrycon metae is a peace-loving fish, which should preferably be kept in a flock of at least 8 specimens. They can be kept in a common tank with almost any peace-loving fish.
The volume of the tank should be at least 80 liters. Sand should be used as a substrate. Snags should be placed at the bottom and the perimeter of the aquarium should be densely planted with aquarium plants. Adding dried oak or beech leaves on the substrate will further enhance the natural conditions, and provide additional food - in the process of decomposition in the leaf litter will multiply colony bacteria. It is advisable to change leaf litter every 3-4 weeks.
Water parameters: temperature 20-28° C, hardness dH 1-10°, pH 4,0-7,0. Requires filtration, aeration and a weekly change of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh.
Ambient light with an intensity of about 0.3 W/l. Daylight duration of 10 hours per day.
The diet of the fish in natural conditions consists of small insects, crustaceans, filamentous algae and plant seeds. Under aquarium conditions the fish are fed with a variety of live, frozen and dried foods: artemia, daphnia, chironomid and others. Feed the fish 2 times a day.
Breeding Hyphessobrycon metae, like all fish family characinov.
During the spawning period, females chaotically spawn in the water column near the plants, and the males immediately fertilize it. Immediately after spawning, producers are eager to eat eggs, so producers at the end of spawning should be removed.
The fry are fed with live dust and dry food designed for haracin fry.
Life expectancy Hyphessobrycon metae in an aquarium environment is 3-4 years.