30-09-2019, 15:42
6 073


Gyrodactylus are a group of monogenic (i.e. 1-host) trematode parasites of fish, most commonly found on the skin, sometimes on the gills. They are similar to Dactylogyrus except that their anterior (head) end has no eye spots, but has prominent hooks for attaching to the skin of the victim. Adult worms do not lay eggs but rather give birth to live offspring, and an adult worm can have up to three daughter generations in its body at a time. The infection is caused by direct fish-to-fish contact.

Almost all fish are susceptible to Gyrodactylus, regardless of their age. The biggest problems occur with juvenile fish kept in overcrowded tanks, which allow the worms to migrate easily from one fish body to the next. In addition, poor water quality and inadequate temperature control can also trigger the disease. The fish are thus under stress and the immunity system is considerably weakened.


The first symptom of Gyrodactylus is that the affected fish moves slightly from side to side at the water surface all the time. Their fins are all retracted and look miserable. In the next phase, the infected fish will start to rub against various objects in the aquarium. If you look closely, you can observe gray or bluish spots on the body where the worms are attached. In advanced disease, the fin rays are destroyed, the fish lose their appetite, the eyeball clouds over, and the gills are covered with a bluish-grey coating. Often the disease is complicated by various fungal diseases that occur in the foci of the ulcers.

Gyrodactylus is introduced in the aquarium with live food, usually tubeworms. The worms multiply rapidly and soon infest all fish in the aquarium. It should be noted that the life cycle of the parasite is 7-8 days, and if it does not find the body of its victim, it dies.


Treatment treatments can be carried out in a preventive as well as a general aquarium, where fish live permanently. When treating in general aquarium azipirin and bicillin, but in the preventive aquarium using methylene blue, malachite green, formalin, copper sulfate and table salt. For greater effect, the water temperature in the aquarium rise to 30° C.

Finally, I would like to say to avoid infection of hyrodactylosis, do not overpopulate the aquarium, cleanliness in the aquarium - the well-being of all its inhabitants.

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