Enneacampus ansorgii
The Enneacampus ansorgii is a small freshwater fish found in water bodies of West Africa (Gambia, Congo, Ogowa rivers). The fish can be found in coastal areas with fresh or brackish water. Keeping these fish in aquaria is recommended only for experienced aquarists.
Enneacampus ansorgii has a long needle-like body, up to 1 cm in diameter, in shape and size similar to an ordinary ball-point pen. The snout is short. The anal fin has 2-3 soft rays, and the dorsal plumage has 22-29 rays. The body of fish from head to dorsal plumage is pale red with white transverse stripes, then, toward the root of the tail plumage, it becomes gray with a silvery sheen, and transverse bands become black. Males are more brightly coloured and, in addition, during the spawning period, they have a peculiar brood pouch on their belly. In natural conditions, these fish reach a size of 17 cm, while in aquariums they are usually no larger than 13 cm.
Enneacampus ansorgii are very peaceful fish. Keep them preferably in a species aquarium, as they are very slow to eat and when combined with more nimble fish begin to starve, as they simply can not get enough food. Do not contain with shrimp, which are food for needles and will certainly be eaten. Most of the time fish are kept in the middle and lower layers of water. Fish are sedentary, long stay motionless on the substrate or plant leaves.
Water parameters: temperature 24-28° C, hardness dH 8-25°, pH 7,0-8,0. Requires filtration, aeration and a weekly change of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh. As recommended by some aquarists to strengthen the immunity of fish, it is desirable to dissolve sea salt in aquarium water in the proportion of 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt per 10 liters of water. According to other aquarists, brackish water does not bring any advantages in terms of well-being or reproduction of fish, but rather brings disadvantages for the plants. So it is up to you to decide whether or not to dissolve the sea salt in the water, as there is no definite answer.
The fish are susceptible to fungal diseases, so make sure the water is properly filtered.
Plant different plants around the edge of the aquarium, select plants that can grow in brackish water. Coarse-grained river sand should be used as substrate.
The menu of fish are only live food: Daphnia, cyclops, shrimp and small fish. Eat needles and bloodworms, but not very willingly. Feed 1-2 times a day.
Enneacampus ansorgii reach sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 months.
To facilitate the task of breeding, fish are initially purchased in a small group (about 6-10 specimens). Female lays about 60-80 eggs in the male's brood pouch, where it incubates for 2-3 weeks. The male is hiding among the plants during this time.
The hatching fry are filamentous in shape. Fry quickly grow and by five months of age gather in small flocks, which lead an independent life. The fry are fed with artemia nauplii.
The life expectancy of the Enneacampus ansorgii under aquarium conditions is about 8-10 years.