16-01-2020, 19:45
4 154

Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba

Labeotrofeus trevavas chilumba lives in the wild in Lake Malawi in Africa, near Chilumba, a settlement located in the northwestern part of the lake, whose name is reflected in the name of this fish. The fish keep in small groups among rocky shores and muddy bottoms at depths of up to 30 m. The fish are low-demanding and can be kept by experienced aquarists.

Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba have an elongated, laterally compressed body. orange and blue tones predominate in the colouration of males. Females and juveniles are entirely orange in colour. A sort of trademark of these fish is their fleshy nose, which they use to dig out algae from rocks or rocks. Their dorsal plumage is relatively long, at least considerably longer than that of many cichlids inhabiting Lake Malawi. The size of males in an aquarium environment reaches 12 cm, while the female does not exceed 10 cm.

Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba

Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba is an aggressive fish. Keep these fish can be as a species and in a common tank with other cichlid species inhabiting Lake Malawi. There should be at least 5 females per 1 male. For a group of 6 fish need an aquarium volume of 200 liters. Substrate in the aquarium should be stony and consist of large-sized gravel. In different parts of the aquarium to make piles of stones with caves between them, as well as placement of grottoes, which could hide fish.

Water parameters: temperature 24-28° C, hardness dH 6-20°, pH 7,5-8,5. Requires good filtration, aeration and a weekly change of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh water.

Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba

The main menu of fish in the wild consists mainly of algae, which they pull from the surface of stones, and zooplankton. Under aquarium conditions, plant food should take precedence over all other food items. The fish are fed flaked and pelleted food containing spirulina, shredded lettuce and spinach leaves, green cucumber. The fish are also fed with frozen artemia, daphnia and bloodworms. Feed the fish once a day.


Spawning in pairs. Female hatches up to 80 eggs, then collects them all in her mouth, where she incubates for 3 weeks. During this time, the female does not feed. To make the female feel comfortable, it is desirable to remove the male and reduce the intensity of light in the aquarium.

Mouth of the female leaves the fully formed fry, which are the first 2-3 weeks of life swimming under its care. After this time, fry begin to swim in different directions and are ready for independent life.
The fry are fed with Artemia nauplii 4 times a day.

Life expectancy for Labeotrophaeus trevavas chilumba in aquarium conditions is about 6 years.

Labeotropheus trewavasae chilumba

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