12-03-2020, 21:50
2 964

Cyphotilapia gibberosa

Cyphotylyapia gibberosa lives naturally in the southern part of Lake Tanganyika, the oldest of the Great Reef Lakes in East Africa. It is the second largest, deepest and longest-lived freshwater body in the world. More than 250 species of cichlids live in this particular lake.

Cyphotilapia gibberosa inhabit the near-shore zone, among stony ridges at depths of 6-120 m, the largest concentration of fish is observed among boulders with areas of open substrate at a depth of 15-70 m. There is relatively little cover in these areas and this appears to have had a direct impact on the "reproductive strategy of the species". The fish swim in large flocks of sometimes 1000 or more individuals, with older and larger fish preferring to stay at greater depths.

Cyphotilapia gibberosa

Cyphotilapia gibberosa has a pale blue body colouration. The body has five vertical stripes and one stripe between the eyes. Dorsal plumage is colorless. Males are larger than females, they have elongated fins and a relatively large frontal growth. The maximum size of fish is 25.5 cm.

Cyphotillapia gibberosa is a predatory fish. To reduce their aggressiveness in the aquarium should create areas with plenty of living space. Coarse-grained river sand should be used as substrate. At the bottom can be placed piles of stones of different sizes to form a kind of caves. Gravel can also be used as substrate and ceramic pots, which can be placed on their sides. Sharp-edged decorations should be avoided so that the fish do not get hurt.

Alpha males usually choose the cave and drive away uninvited guests, so care should be taken to ensure that each large male has its own shelter.

Keep the fish in a group of at least 5 specimens. The volume of the aquarium must be at least 250 liters for such a number of fish. Possible content cifotilapias gibberoza in a common aquarium with other cichlid species, always commensurate in size, because smaller fish can become prey to them.

Cyphotilapia gibberosa

These cichlids are very sensitive to water quality and should never be introduced into an aquarium that is not yet biologically balanced. Water parameters: temperature 23-27° C, hardness dH 10-20°, pH 8.0-9.0. Requires effective filtration canister type water filter, powerful aeration and a weekly substitution of up to ½ of the aquarium water with fresh.

Lighting is not particularly demanding. Medium light levels are preferable.

In nature cifotilyapia gibberoza is a predator, feeding on small fish, invertebrates and mollusks, as well as some algae and organic detritus. The fish are fed with live and frozen Artemia, bloodworms, shrimps, etc. in the aquarium. Flake food containing spirulina, chopped peas, cucumber and courgettes is also available. Fish should not be offered mammal or bird meat such as beef heart or chicken meat, as the lipids they contain cannot be digested by the stomach and may cause obesity or even degeneration of internal organs. Feed the fish once or twice a day.


Cyphotillapias gibberosa become sexually mature at the age of 2-3 years.

For breeding, producers (1 male and 4 females) are placed in the spawning tank of about 200 liters. There should be no water movement in the spawning tank. Some aquarists recommend using filtration under the gravel. The lighting should be low.

The female lays eggs (10-50 eggs) on the surface of a large flat rock or on the wall in the shelter. The male fertilizes the clutch, and the female immediately collects all eggs into her mouth, where the eggs are incubated for 35-50 days.

The hatching larvae feed on the substances in their yolk sacs for the first few days of their lives. After that, they leave their mother's mouth.

The fry are fed with Artemia nauplii, small Cyclops and specialized dry food intended for cichlid fry.

Cyphotilapia gibberosa

Cyphotilapia gibberosa reaches a life expectancy of 20-25 years.

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