16-03-2020, 22:13
2 672

Ectodus descampsii

Ectodus descampsii spottedfish live in the wild in Lake Tanganyika, Central Africa, between Moliro and Utinta Bay. The fish stay in open areas with sandy substrate.

Ectodus descampsii has an elongated and strongly laterally compressed body. The basic coloration of the body is gray. The tail plumage is bifurcate. Dorsal plumage is high with a large dark spot. This spot becomes more contrasting as the fish matures. Sexual differences are poorly expressed. Males are slightly larger than females and also have a slightly larger dorsal spot. The maximum size of the fish is 10.4 cm.

Ectodus descampsii

Ectodus descampsii in general is a peaceful fish, and when it is kept in a community aquarium should be selected calm, not bullying neighbours. Keep the fish should be a group of at least 8 specimens. The fish are then less fearful. Do not want to keep more than 1 male together. Keep the fish in an aquarium of at least 100 liters.

In the aquarium to build a shelter in the form of piles of stones with slits in which the fish can freely swim. These shelters must be placed at a sufficient distance from each other. Also, provide sufficiently large areas for the fish to swim freely. Coarse-grained river sand is recommended as a substrate. These fish do not harm the plants, so they can be planted in the aquarium if desired, although it is not compulsory. Planted plants should preferably consist of shrubs capable of growing normally in relatively hard water, such as Anubias barteri var. nana `Gold` and Vallisneria.

Ectodus descampsii

Water parameters: temperature 24-27° C, hardness dH 10-25°, pH 7.5-9.0. Requires filtration, aeration and a weekly change of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh.

The diet of the fish may consist of almost any food, but the basis of the diet should consist of frozen and live food: artemia, chironomid, cyclops and daphnia. The fish do not take food from the surface of the water. Feed the fish once or twice a day.


We have no information about the successful reproduction of Ectodus descampsii in aquariums, although it is probably possible.

In the wild, the spawners spawn on a sand substrate in which the male digs a small hole. After spawning and fertilization of eggs by the male, the female collects all the eggs to her mouth where the eggs are incubated for about 17-19 days. Once the alevins hatch, the female releases them from her mouth and they begin their independent life.

Ectodus descampsii

The fry are fed with artemia nauplii 3-4 times a day.

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