14-05-2020, 23:00
4 281

Corydoras Sterbai

Corydoras Sterbai is native to the Guapore River basin in Bolivia and Brazil (South America). The fish can be found in small tributaries, streams, backwaters and areas of flooded forests. These days, however, wild specimens are not commercially available; practically all the fish that reach retail chains are raised on commercial farms. Fish are supplied to the domestic market from Eastern Europe and the Far East. These captive bred fish are generally more hardy and easily adaptable to life in an aquarium environment than their wild counterparts. The fish are not demanding and are recommended for novice aquarists.

Corydoras Sterbai has a dark brown colour, orange back and belly with a golden cast. The fins are brown with white spots. The pelvic and pectoral fins are orange and, as the fish matures, their colour becomes bright red. As with most catfish, the sex of these fish is easily distinguished when viewed from above. The females are slightly larger than the males and have a rounded abdomen. The maximum size of the fish is 6.5 cm.

Corydoras Sterbai

Keeping a small group of Sterba catfish (5-6 fish) in a tank of 40 liters is sufficient. It should be noted right away that the catfish will thrive in the aquarium, which will be recreated biotope Amazon. Use a sandy substrate and add some snags to the bottom. Add some pre-dried oak or beech leaves for an even better imitation of the natural conditions. Sterba corydoras do not require aquatic plants, so your preferences come into play. Catfish can be kept in a common aquarium with other peace-loving and commensurate in size fish, preferably occupy the upper layers of water.

Corydoras Sterbai are very sensitive to water quality. For this reason, use a high-performance water filter. It is advisable to add a few lumps of peat to the water filter element. Water parameters: temperature 24-28° C, hardness dH 1-15°, pH 6.0-7.6. Necessary weekly replacement of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh.

Lighting is poor. This should be considered if you keep plants in the aquarium, selecting their species that can normally grow in such conditions.

Corydoras Sterbai

Corydoras Sterbai is omnivorous. The fish are fed live and frozen daphnia, artemia nauplii, chironomid and tubeworm. Also, the fish do not reject sinking dry food in the form of flakes and tablets. The fish are fed twice a day.


Corydoras Sterbai are generally considered among the easiest fish to breed.

For breeding fish, use a spawning tank of about 40x30x30 cm aquarium can be without soil at all or with it (sand or gravel). A water filter with a foam sponge should be installed. A shrub of small-leaved plants, e.g. Vesicularia dubyana, should also be placed. Water temperature about 24° C and pH 6.5.

Producers in the spawning tank should be kept in a ratio of 2 males to 1 female. The fish begin to feed a variety of food. When females noticeably rounded abdomen make a sub-change of ½ of the aquarium water to a cooler. In this case, the water in the spawning tank begins to intensively aerate. Repeat these measures daily until the females spawn.

Females usually spawn on the walls of the tank or in areas where the water flow is strong enough. Before the females spawn, the males actively pursue them.

Producers immediately after spawning do not mind eating eggs, so as soon as spawning is over, you need to put the fish in another aquarium.

Larvae hatch in 3-5 days, and after they use up the nutrients in their yolk sacs, they begin to eat Artemia nauplii. Feed the fry at least 4 times a day.

Corydoras Sterbai

The lifespan of the Corydoras Sterbai in an aquarium is about 5 years.

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