25-05-2020, 20:40
2 308

Hyphessobrycon stegemanni

Hyphessobrycon stegemanni naturally inhabit the Tocantins River basin in Brazil, South America. The largest concentrations of these fish are found in Brazil's Cerrado ecoregion, a vast area of tropical forest grasslands that is considered the most biologically diverse savanna environment in the world with many endemic flora and fauna. This region consists of numerous small rivers and streams flowing through the forest savannah. These tributaries are subject to seasonal conditions characterised by periods of rain and drought. The fish is named after the German aquarist Carlos Stegemann.

Hyphessobrycon stegemanni has a grey body colour with a longitudinal dark stripe. The mature females are slightly larger than the males. The maximum size of the fish is 2.5-3.5 cm.

Hyphessobrycon stegemanni peaceable fish, making it ideal cohabitant in a shared aquarium with other types of peace-loving and commensurate in size fish. Preferably contain a small flock of 8-10 neon Savannah. In this case, the fish will be less timid and exhibit natural behavior.

To contain fish suitably aquarium volume of 40 liters. Coarse-grained river sand is used as a substrate. The bottom are placed snags, and the perimeter of the aquarium is densely planted with a variety of plants.

The addition of pre-dried beech or oak leaves at the bottom will further simulate natural conditions, and also contribute to the development of these, as decomposed, bacterial colonies, which will be an additional source of food for both adult fish and their fry.

Water parameters: temperature 20-25° C, hardness dH 1-12°, pH 5,5-7,5. Requires good filtration, aeration and a weekly change of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh.

Medium, diffuse and at least 10 hours of light per day.

Hyphessobrycon stegemanni

Hyphessobrycon stegemanni is an omnivore. In nature, it feeds on small invertebrates, crustaceans, thread algae and fallen into the water seeds of plants growing in the coastal zone. Under aquarium conditions, the fish are fed with a variety of dry food, as well as frozen and live daphnia, artemia nauplii and small bloodworms. The food is given 2 times a day.


In natural conditions, spawning Hyphessobrycon stegemanni in the rainy season. At this time, rivers significantly change water parameters, which encourages females to spawn. In aquarium conditions it is possible to achieve spawning fish mimicking similar conditions, although according to many aquarists, numerous generations of fish obtained in aquarium conditions have lost the predisposition to spawn under certain conditions, so they spawn all year round.

The fish do not care about their offspring and do not mind feeding not only on their spawn, but also on their fry that have hatched. To save the offspring, during the spawning of fish at the bottom of the separator mesh should be placed, and immediately after the spawning of females move producers in another aquarium.

The newly hatched larvae feed on nutrients located in their yolk sacs. After 2-3 days, the fry begin to swim and feed. At this time, they begin to be fed with shoehorn infusoria and powdered dried food intended for haracin fry.

The lifespan of Hyphessobrycon stegemanni in an aquarium is about 4-5 years.

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