Corydoras lamberti

Corydoras lamberti is naturally found in the upper Amazon basin, specifically in its main tributary, the Rio Marañón, located in the Loreto region of northern Peru. The fish was first discovered in 1986 and was catalogued as C009 for a relatively long time, until it was described by Lambertus van Tuijl, after whom it was named. These fish are rarely seen in aquarists' collections and trade.
Corydoras lamberti has a somewhat massive and stocky body. The scales are lamellate, somewhat reminiscent of the armour of medieval knights. Compared to most of the fish in its family, Corydoras lamberti has a more elongated head. The body is silvery with rows of dark speckles. The same mottling is also present on the tail plumage. Females are usually slightly larger than males and have a more rounded abdomen. In natural conditions, these fish can grow to about 5 cm in size.
The Corydoras Lamberti is a peaceful and curious fish. Keep these fish in a group of at least 4 in a 60 liter aquarium.
Substrate should be sandy, although allowed and fine gravel. In the corners of the aquarium is desirable to place various shelters in the form of stones, grottos or snags, so that fish can hide.
Water parameters: temperature of 20-26° C, hardness 2-15°, pH pH 6,0-8,0. Requires filtration, aeration and a weekly change of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh water.
Moderate light duration of 9-10 hours per day. Planting plants in the aquarium should take this into account and select species which will thrive under these conditions. If the light intensity is problematic to reduce, the water surface should be placed on bushes of floating plants, which will be natural light filters.
Lamberti coridoras are omnivores. They eat a variety of sinking dry food as well as live and frozen Artemia, Daphnia and bloodworms. Try to keep their diet varied - in this case, the fish will exhibit more colour contrast. Under no circumstances should corydoras survive on the "leftovers" of food not eaten by other fish.
For breeding fish keep producers in the ratio of 2-3 males to 1 female. When females are noticeably rounded belly, make a large (50-70%) of water substitution for cooler and stepped up aeration and water flow. These measures should be repeated daily until the females spawn.
Females spawn among small-leaved plants, inside various shelters or on the aquarium glass.
Once spawning is finished, the spawners should be removed and the aquarium water aerated intensively. Some aquarists add a few drops of methylene blue or 1-2 alder cones to the water, to prevent the development of fungi in the clutch.
The eggs incubate for 3-4 days. During the first days of their life, the fry feed on the substances in their yolk sacs, after which they begin to eat artemia nauplii. The fry are very sensitive to water quality, so effective filtration is required.
Corydoras lamberti has a life span of approximately 4-5 years in an aquarium.