Moenkhausia collettii
In nature, Moenkhausia collettii is found in the Cuyuni, Orinoco and Rio Negro river basins in South America. The fish prefer to stay in sandy shallows covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, tree branches and snags. Due to tannins from plant organic matter, the water has a brownish colour. There are no living plants in these places. The fish were first introduced on the domestic market in 2000. Fish are not demanding, and cope with their content can even beginners aquarists.
Moenkhausia collettii has a golden body, red tail plumage, orange fins. The head is large and the eyes are large. A slightly phosphorescent aquamarine band runs along the body. Sexual differences are barely distinguishable. Females are larger, with a rounded belly. The sex of the fish can only be accurately determined during the spawning period. In nature, fish reach up to 7 cm in size, while in the aquarium, their size is usually less than 5 cm.
The Moenkhausia collettii is a gregarious fish. Keep fish is recommended a small group of at least 6-8 fish. Can be kept in a common aquarium with other tetra species and dwarf cichlids.
Content Moenkhausia collettii well be suitable aquarium volume of 60-80 liters. The substrate used is sand. At the bottom are placed snags and a few boulders. On the surface of the water is desirable to arrange a few bushes of floating plants, dangling roots are not only a place for spawning fish, but the leaves of plants will act as natural filters.
Water parameters: temperature 23-27° C, hardness dH 1-15°, pH 5,6-7,2. Requires aeration, filtration and weekly replacement of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh. Need to monitor water quality, preventing the accumulation of organic matter. Do not allow even slight circulation of water in the aquarium, as the fish do not tolerate it well.
The menus of the fish include a variety of live, frozen and dried foods. Moenkhausia collettii eat artemia, daphnia, moths, and various flake foods well. The food should be given twice a day and only as much as the fish can eat immediately.
The Moenkhausia collettii reaches sexual maturity at about 8 months of age.
The Moenkhausia collettii spawn in a spawning tank of about 40 liters. Water in the spawning tank should meet the following parameters: temperature 25-26° C, hardness dH 5-6°, pH 5,9-6,1.
Before being transferred to the spawning tank, the spawners are well fed with a variety of food for a week. A separator mesh is placed at the bottom of the spawning tank. Spawning usually starts on day 3-4. Female hatches 200-300 eggs on the back side of the leaves of floating plants. Eggs often fall to the bottom, so a separator net is needed, which will protect the eggs from the temptation of fish to eat them.
The eggs are incubated for 24 hours. The hatched fry feed on the nutrients in their yolk sacs for the first five days of their lives. After this period, the fry begin to feed live dust, and when they are a little older begin to give nauplii artemii. To stimulate the growth of fry desirable to replace the aquarium water with fresh more often.
The lifespan of the Moenkhausia collettii in an aquarium is 3-5 years.