23-11-2020, 20:57
2 223

Serpenticobitis octozona

Serpenticobitis octozona occurs naturally in the Sekong River basin in the southern part of Laos. The fish stay in shallow, swift currents where the water is highly oxygenated. The substrate in these areas consists of large boulders, small stones, gravel and sand. The entire bottom is covered with a layer of fallen tree leaves. There is no aquatic vegetation. During the rainy season, the water is turbid, but otherwise it is crystal clear. The fish are undemanding and are manageable even for novice aquarists.

The body of Serpenticobitis octozona is decorated with 7-8 dark stripes alternating with narrower, lighter spaces between them. Sexual differences are not pronounced. The maximum size of the fish is 5.5 cm.

Serpenticobitis octozona

Serpenticobitis octozona is not difficult to keep under the correct conditions. A slight current should be created in the aquarium. The substrate should consist of a mixture of sand and fine gravel. Aquarium plants may not be planted. Numerous shelters in the form of snags and large boulders should be placed at the bottom.

The Serpenticobitis octozona are peaceful fish. They can easily be kept in a common aquarium with danio and branes, which occupy the upper and middle layers of water. Keep Serpentikobitis octozon is recommended in a group of at least 4 individuals.

Water parameters: temperature 23-26° C, hardness dH 2-10°, acidity pH 6,0-7,0. Need strong aeration, filtration and weekly replacement of at least 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh. Make sure the water flow in the aquarium is sufficiently strong, e.g. by using a water pump. Like many fish living in running water, the Serpenticobitis octozone does not tolerate high concentrations of organic compounds in the water and requires crystal clear water.

Serpenticobitis octozona

The light must be bright, because in natural conditions, the banks in which these fish live are strongly illuminated by the sun's rays. Daylight duration is about 12 hours per day.

They are omnivores, although the main part of their diet in nature consists of small insects, worms, crustaceans and a small amount of plant food and detritus. Under aquarium conditions, the fish eat a variety of dry food, but they can not be fed alone. Apart from dry food, give the fish daily portions of frozen and live food such as daphnia, artemia, bloodworms etc., which improve colours and enhance immunity.


Serpenticobitis octozona are not propagated in the aquarium. Fish that occasionally appear in the trade are supplied from their natural habitat.

Serpenticobitis octozona

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