7-01-2021, 14:00
4 664

Leporinus nijsseni

The Leporinus spotted, Leporinus neissena is native to Suriname and French Guiana, South America. This rather beautiful fish is smaller than its more common relative, the Leporinus striped (Leporinus fasciatus). They are peaceful fish, which by their presence can decorate any aquarium.

Leporinus nijsseni have an elongated, slightly laterally compressed body. The body features 3-4 large black spots and masses of smaller ones. The coloration is yellowish-golden. The dorsal, pectoral and caudal fins are transparent. The pelvic fin is yellow-orange in some individuals. In nature, the size of fish reaches 30 cm, although in an aquarium, their size rarely exceeds 20 cm. Distinguishing between male and female Spotted Leporinae is very difficult. The only noticeable difference is that the females have a more rounded abdomen.

Leporinus nijsseni

The Leporinus nijsseni is a gregarious, peaceful fish. These fish can be kept in a common tank with other peaceful fish of similar size. In order to fish exhibit a more natural behavior, keep them in a small group of at least 6-8 fish. Given the rather large size of fish to keep them need an aquarium volume of 350 liters. aquarium be sure to have a cover, because Leporins spotted excellent jumpers and can easily jump out of water.

Coarse-grained river sand is used as substrate. Place large boulders and snags on the bottom. Leporina spotted most of the time swimming bent down, nibbling algae from the decoration and the walls of the aquarium. If the aquarium will not be algae, the fish will gnaw on plant leaves.

Water parameters: temperature 24-28° C, hardness dH 1-12°, pH 5,0-7,5. Need filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh. Leporins are hardy spotted fish and under acceptable keeping conditions they are almost never ill.

Leporinus nijsseni

The Leporinus nijsseni is an omnivorous fish. Its main food is plant food. In an aquarium, they are fed chopped salad leaves and spinach, courgette and cucumber slices, spirulina containing flakes. The fish are also fed with bloodworms and artemia.


Unfortunately, there isn't much information about the breeding of the Leporinus nijsseni, and records are sparse. It is reported that in the wild, the fish construct some form of nest, which the male will guard until the fry hatch out of the eggs.

Life expectancy in an aquarium is about 10 years.

Leporinus nijsseni

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