Barbodes dunckeri
Barbodes dunckeri can be found in water bodies throughout Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. These fish prefer to stay in flocks, in forest streams and wetlands.
Barbodes dunckeri has a tall, golden-coloured body with four large, oblong black spots scattered throughout the body. The fins are reddish-orange. Adult males are more brightly colored than females, and they also have noticeable tubercles on the head during the spawning period. Females are slightly larger than males and less colorful. Fish size reaches 12 cm.
Larger speckled barbs are ideal neighbours for Rasboras, Devarios, Botia and other larger, peaceful fish that cannot become food for the barbs.
Large mottled barbs are gregarious by nature. When keeping them in an aquarium, at least 6-8 animals should be purchased at once. Only in a flock the fish are less fearful and will exhibit a more natural behavior and bright coloration. In addition, any aggression in the flock is usually curbed, as the fish focus on maintaining their hierarchical position within the group.
The fish can easily be kept in a properly maintained aquarium. It is advisable to create a current in it by means of a water pump or by draining the drain nozzle of the water filter along the back wall. Place flat stones of various sizes at the bottom. Coarse-grained river sand or fine polished gravel can be used as substrate. Large snags can be placed in the middle of the aquarium, to which hardy plants such as Microsorum or Bolbitis.
Water parameters: temperature 18-28° C, hardness dH 2-12°, pH 6,0-7,5. Fish are intolerant of accumulating organic matter, so a high-efficiency filter is essential. Requires aeration and a weekly change of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh water.
Larger speckled barbs are omnivorous. In nature, they eat bloodworms, insects, crustaceans, algae and organic waste. In an aquarium, the fish are fed with Artemius nauplii, Daphnia, frozen and live bloodworms as well as dry granular and flake food. Feed the fish twice a day.
Like most small fish in the family of carps, Larger Mottled Barbus do not show concern about future offspring.
With proper care, they will spawn occasionally in a community tank, but the number of surviving fry will be minimal. In order to keep the fry, a controlled approach is required. This requires a spawning tank of about 60 litres filled with water from the tank where the fish are kept all the time. The lighting should be low and a separator mesh with cells through which the eggs can pass freely should be placed at the bottom. The water temperature is about 28° C. Strong aeration is required.
Producers (1-2 pairs) are launched into the spawning tank in the evening, and spawning begins in the morning. Immediately after spawning, the spawners should be set aside.
The eggs incubate for 24-48 hours, and after another 24 hours the fry begin to swim and feed. At this time, they begin to feed live dust, and 10 days later begin to give nauplii artemii.
The lifespan of large Barbodes dunckeri in an aquarium is 5-7 years.