10-04-2022, 18:45
2 366

Tropheus moorii Ikola

Tropheus moorii Ikola occurs naturally only in the African Lake Tanganyika. The fish inhabits along the rocky shores between Ikola and Isonga. There is only one population in the lake, and other geographic variations are unknown. The fish live in depths of 1 to 5 m.

Tropheus moorii Ikola males are usually larger and more powerful than females. The dominant males have a brighter coloration. The nose of males is usually upturned to the top, while females are rounded and more slanted. Males grow faster than females. The head and rear part of the body is black and yellow in the middle part. The pectoral fins are transparent, anal and caudal fins are black. Dorsal plumage is broad, dark, with a smooth transition from black to yellowish in the middle part. The size of fish reaches 12-13 cm.

Tropheus moorii Ikola is a territorial fish. A hierarchy is formed in the flock, where weaker fish are subordinate to the stronger ones. These are active representatives of their family, they are constantly busy doing something, digging in the ground transforming the external environment in their own way. These fish do not tolerate any intrusion into their territory, and in the case of the appearance of any, even much larger fish in their protected area, can provoke fierce fights. Relationships between congeners also cannot be called calm. Each individual seeks to secure his sphere of life. Demonstrations of their intimidating appearance and prolonged fights periodically occur between different members of the group.

Tropheus moorii Ikola

Ikola trophaeus are, if I may say so, mood fish. In comfortable keeping conditions they will exhibit bright coloration and interesting behavior. Tropheus moorii Ikola is best kept in a species aquarium, so you can avoid many conflicts with other fish. To contain a group of 6 individuals suitable aquarium of 400 liters. At 1 male must have 2-3 females. Do not keep fish singly, because in this case, the fish are stressed and become susceptible to disease.

The substrate used as medium and large-sized gravel. At the bottom are placed numerous shelters in the form of large stones, caves and snags. The perimeter of the aquarium planted stiff-leaved shrubs plants, with the need to take care of strengthening their roots in the ground, as the fish sometimes pull out bushes with the roots. The best solution is to plant the bushes in ceramic pots.

It is possible to keep Tropheus moorii Ikola in a common aquarium with other fish such as Julidochromis transcriptus, Neolamprologus cylindricus, Malawian cichlids.

Tropheus moorii Ikola

Water parameters: temperature 24-27° C, hardness dH 2-15°, acidity pH 7,6-8,6. Necessary quality filtration, aeration and weekly substitution of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh. The concentration of nitrates in the water should not exceed 50 mg / l.

The menu consists of flake food with spirulina, chopped lettuce and spinach, chopped green vegetables, and shrimp meat. In order not to heavily pollute the water, it is best to give food in small portions several times a day.


Spawning is preceded by mating games in which males attract females to the flat surface of a rock. The female swims up to the stone and hatches one egg. She then tosses the egg and hits the male's anal fin with her head, which immediately releases a cloud of milk, thereby fertilizing the eggs.

The female incubates the eggs in her mouth for 25-30 days. The hatched fry are quite large, about 1 cm in size. Immediately after they leave their mother's mouth, they lead an independent life.

Tropheus moorii Ikola

The fry are fed Artemia nauplii 4 times a day.

Life expectancy Trofeus ikola under aquarium conditions is about 10 years.

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