15-04-2022, 19:15
2 362

Andinoacara stalsbergi

Andinoacara stalisbergi is a species of fish of the cichlova family. Previously, these fish were called Andinoacara rivulatus, but in 2009 they were described as a separate species. Andinoacara stalsbergi is found in reservoirs in northwestern Peru, and Andinoacara rivulatus - in western Ecuador. The fish is named after Alf Stalsberg, a naturalist-collector from Norway.

Andinoacara stalsbergi have an elongated body. The head is large. The sides are bluish, with a brown border on each scale. The body has a pair of transverse stripes of beige coloration, between which, in the upper part of the body, there is a dark spot. The dorsal plumage has 13-14 barbed rays and 11-13 soft ones. Males usually become slightly larger and have more elongated dorsal and pelvic fins. Males, from about the first year of life, develop a occipital hump. The size of fish reaches 20 cm. Most of the time fish spend near the bottom.

Andinoacara stalsbergi

Andinoacara stalsbergi is a predatory, territorial fish with a perky temperament. She does not tolerate anyone who invades her territory. Very often these fish provoke fierce fights for the right to be the dominant species. The battles can be very fierce and eventually lead to the submission or death of one of the fish. Should not be kept in one aquarium more than 1 male, as between them will be constant clashes eventually ending in the death of one of the fish.

To contain fish suitable species aquarium of 1000 liters. It is best to keep Andinokara stalasbergi singly or in pairs. The older the fish, the more aggressive and territorial it becomes, and will eat any fish that can only fit in their mouths. If you decide to contain these fish with other species, the choice must be made in favor of large cichlids and large catfish. Small corydoras are not recommended, since Andinoacara stalasberga will try to eat them, and spikes corydoras tend to get stuck in the mouth of cichlids, which often leads to the death of both cichlids and catfish.

A mixture of sand, gravel and large stones is used as a substrate. The aquarium should be a lot of shelter in the form of stones and snags, as well as a few hardy plants such as wallisneria or anubias.

Water parameters: temperature 20-24° C, hardness dH 5-12°, pH 6,5-8,0. Requires filtration, aeration and weekly replacement of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh. The nitrate content in the water should not exceed 50 mg/l.

Andinoacara stalsbergi

Andinoacara stalsbergi is an omnivorous fish. Flake foods containing spirulina, live and frozen bloodworms, earthworms, shrimp, and mussels serve as the main food. Plant foods such as peas, lettuce, spinach should also form a significant part of the diet. Foods high in protein, such as beef heart and other red meat, are not recommended. Food is given 1-2 times a day.


Andinoacara stalisbergi reaches sexual maturity at a size of about 10 cm. Fish may spawn at a smaller size, but in this case the number of hatchlings will be much smaller.

Before spawning, the producers clean the flat surface of the stone from dirt. During spawning, the female hatches 300-400 eggs, sometimes even 600 eggs (it all depends on the physiological state of the female). To increase the number of eggs hatched, as soon as a pair begins to clean the stone, separate the male from the female, for example, glass, increase the temperature by 5-7° C, replace ½ of the water with fresh and abundant feeding of fish bloodworms.

Parents protect the clutch. Larvae hatch in 3-4 days. Meanwhile, the producers continue to take care of the fry by moving them into the pits previously dug in the substrate.

Andinoacara stalsbergi

At this time, the fry are fed crushed flakes. After 9-12 days, the fry become large enough and begin to swim freely. They are very sensitive to water quality and die in the absence of regular water changes with fresh water.

The fry are fed Artemia nauplii and specialized dry food designed for cichlid fry. When fry size 2 cm, their development is significantly accelerated.

Life expectancy Andinoakara stalasbergi in aquarium conditions is 10-12 years.

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