Acanthopsoides robertsi

Acanthopsoides robertsa is native to the Kapuas River basin in Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) province of Indonesia's Borneo, where it is found together with Acanthopsoides molobrion. The fish prefers to stay in currents with clear water with a substrate consisting of sand, fine gravel and silt.
The fish's name is derived from the now invalid generic name Acanthopsis, used here as a prefix, and the Greek oides, which means "appearance". Robertsi: named after Tyson Roberts, who discovered the species during an ichthyological study of the Kapuas River watershed.
Acanthopsoides robertsi has elongated body. The mouth is elongated. A dark spot is present at the root of the tail plumage. The body coloration is gray or beige, translucent. In the lower part of the body stretches a number of dark-colored spots. Mature males have elongated pectoral fins with a thickened second ray, the branched portion of which has small mating tubercles. Adult females have a rounded abdomen and are slightly larger than males. The maximum size of the fish reaches 5.5 cm.
Acanthopsoides robertsa is a peaceful fish that won't cause trouble for anyone in the aquarium. This is a very sociable fish and they are very interesting to watch. Keep them preferably in a small flock of about 6-8 individuals. Fish lead a crepuscular lifestyle.
Content Acanthopsoides roberts suitable aquarium of 80 liters. As a substrate used sand. The fish are sometimes completely buried in it, leaving outside only their eyes. When using large gravel fish may be stressed or injured trying to bury themselves in it. At the bottom you need to put flat stones, snags, forming a lot of shelters and shady places.
Lighting can be quite dim, unless you intend to grow plants, and a few handfuls of pre-dried oak leaves will bring aquarium conditions close to natural.
Water parameters: temperature 20-24° C, hardness dH 4-12°, pH 5,5-7,0. Water filtration and aeration is necessary, as well as its weekly replacement of ¼ of fresh water. The aquarium is desirable to create a weak water flow, for example, by directing the withdrawal nozzle water filter along the back wall of the aquarium. The aquarium should always be covered to prevent the fish from jumping out.
All species of Acanthopsoides in nature tend to sift the substrate through their gills when feeding, extracting insect larvae and small crustaceans. In aquarium conditions the fish are fed frozen Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, Tubifex, chironomid, etc. feed once a day, in the evening.
Acanthopsoides robertsa does not breed in the aquarium. All fish, which can occasionally be found in the trade network are supplied from their natural habitat.