Baileychromis centropomoides
Baileychromis centropomoides, synonyms Leptochromis centropomoides, Reganochromis centropomoides in nature lives in the African Lake Tanganyika. The fish is extremely rare and has only been caught in two locations, in Sumbu Bay and Khor Bay, in great depths of 40-100 m. We have no confirmed data on the successful holding of these fish in captivity. Due to the great rarity of these fish it is very difficult to find any description or photos of them. Also, these fish are listed in the Red Book as endangered species.
The fish got its name after the naturalist Bailey, and because of its similarity to fish of the genus Centropoma.
Baileychromis centropomoides has a strongly elongated, flattened from the sides body and a characteristic dorsal fin. The second and third rays of the dorsal fin are significantly longer than the rest and have thread-like tips. The dorsal plumage has dark stripes directed toward the caudal plumage. The dorsal fin has vertical wavy dark-colored stripes. The muzzle is pointed, like a pike. The body is colored in greenish-brown. Belly is lighter in color. No differences between individuals of the opposite sex. The maximum size is about 17 cm.
These fish, judging by the structure of their heads, are fierce predators. Where the fish live, the bottom is sandy, without stones or plants, and at the bottom reigns in semi-darkness.
It is recommended to keep cichlids of Lake Tanganyika in an aquarium with water pH 7.5-8.8. Coral gravel and marble are often used to stabilize the pH of the water. Lake water has a magnesium hardness, so sometimes manufacturers add magnesium sulfate to the water. For all cichlids living in Lake Tanganyika acceptable hardness dH 8-25 and water temperature within 24-27° C. Higher temperatures are unacceptable (especially prolonged). Water should be aerated and filtered regularly, and regularly, at least once a week, change 1/5 of the aquarium water with fresh water.
There is no data on the diet of this species. But most likely (given the morphology of the jaws and teeth) the species belongs to predators. Apparently, these fish feed on other fish.
Baileychromis centropomoides does not breed under aquarium conditions. There is also no accurate data on their breeding in the wild. Most likely, females incubate the eggs in their mouths. Both parents are involved in the care of the eggs and future offspring.